Diabetes mellitus type 2 - how to improve the quality of life with medicines and home prescriptions?

The human body receives energy from glucose, for the processing of which insulin is needed. With the deficiency of this hormone of the pancreas or lack of susceptibility to it develops diabetes. This is a serious endocrine disease, associated with dangerous complications, but it can be successfully controlled and treated.

Diabetes of the first and second type - differences

The development of proper therapy is based on the specification of the diagnosis. There is an insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The first indicated pathology arises if the pancreas produces too little of a hormone or completely stops its production. Diabetes mellitus of the second type is characterized by a low susceptibility of the body tissues to insulin. The pancreas is not damaged in this case and can produce even excessive concentrations of the hormone.

Diabetes type 2 - causes

The considered disease is multifactorial, the main role in its development is played by hereditary predisposition. Medical research in the US has shown that type 2 diabetes is transmitted to children with a probability of about 40%. Many patients from this pathology suffer one or more close relatives, especially along the female line.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 can also be acquired due to an incorrect lifestyle. The risk is increased against the background of the following factors:

Diabetes type 2 - symptoms

The clinical picture of the disease remains unnoticed for a long time or its signs are too implicit, so people turn to the endocrinologist already at the late stages of the pathology progression or in the presence of complications. Diabetes of the second type - symptoms:

Diabetes mellitus type 2 - diagnosis

The main evaluation criteria for the confirmation of the described disease is the presence of a specific clinical picture, especially polydipsia and polyuria, and the results of laboratory tests. In addition, the doctor asks whether there is a second type of diabetes in the family history, including the gestational period (bearing). In parallel, the following indicators are studied:

Analyzes for diabetes mellitus type 2

Laboratory studies are to determine the concentration of glucose in the blood. In the presence of hyperglycemia, type 2 diabetes is confirmed - the blood sugar (venous or capillary) should not exceed 6.1 mmol / L in fasting. In plasma, this figure is up to 7 mmol / l. To clarify the result and finally diagnose type 2 diabetes, control measures are taken after the tolerance test. It is a comparison of data in the analysis on an empty stomach and 2 hours after the introduction of glucose into the body.

Hyperglycemia is confirmed if, after 120 minutes, the sugar level:

In addition, you can use special test strips to determine the presence of glucose in the urine. After immersing such a section with reagents in the biological fluid, you should wait about 1 minute and evaluate the result. If the concentration of sugar in the urine remains within normal limits, the color of the strip does not change. With an increased amount of glucose, the device is painted to a dark blue-green hue.

Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus

Therapy of the presented disorder always begins with recommendations on the formulation of a diet and the normalization of body weight with the application of physical exertion. Often these measures are enough to stop the progression of pathology and successfully control type 2 diabetes - treatment with weight loss and diet helps stabilize carbohydrate metabolism and reduce the synthesis of glucose in the liver tissues. With the rapid development of the disease and the presence of complications, special medicines are prescribed.

Sugar-reducing drugs for type 2 diabetes - list

To reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood can be several groups of pharmacological agents. Tablets from type 2 diabetes, providing a reduction in the level of sugar, there are 3 types:

Preparations for type 2 diabetes, which increase the susceptibility of tissues to the hormone of the pancreas:

Medicines that interfere with glucose absorption:

Diabetes mellitus type 2 is treated with the help of such stimulants of insulin products:

When are insulin prescribed for type 2 diabetes?

Artificial administration of the hormone of the pancreas or its analogues is realized if diet, weight normalization, exercise and intake of hypoglycemic drugs do not help control glycemia. Insulin in type 2 diabetes is prescribed in extreme cases and in the presence of indications:

Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes with Folk Remedies

Phytotherapy, conducted in parallel with the use of medications, improves metabolic processes, reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood and increases the susceptibility of the body to insulin. Often it is recommended that a tea should be given for diabetes of the second type. Dry leaves, stems and flowers of spraying should be simply brewed with boiling water (2-3 hours of a spoonful of raw materials for 500 ml of water). Ready drink is used as tea up to 5 times a day.

Drug for Type 2 Diabetes from Dandelion


Preparation, use :

  1. Pour the raw material with hot water and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Insist a half hour solution.
  3. Strain the broth.
  4. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.

Triple tincture


Preparation, use :

  1. Divide the volume of vodka into 3 equal parts of 150 ml.
  2. Insist on it grated onions (5 days in the dark).
  3. Within a week, hold in a dark place walnut leaves, filled with 150 ml of vodka.
  4. During the week, likewise, insist the grass cuff.
  5. Strain all solutions.
  6. Mix the received liquids: 150 ml onion, 60 ml nut and 40 ml herbal tincture.
  7. Take 1 tbsp. spoon before bedtime and 20 minutes before breakfast.

Therapeutic mixture from diabetes


Preparation, use :

  1. Pass through the meat grinder all the ingredients or grind them in a blender.
  2. Infuse the gruel 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
  3. Thrice a day to eat a 1 tsp mixture for half an hour before a meal. You can drink it with water or herbal tea.

Cinnamon infusion


Preparation, use :

  1. Pour the ground cinnamon with boiling water.
  2. Insist means 30 minutes.
  3. Add honey to the liquid and stir until completely dissolved.
  4. Put the medicine in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  5. Drink half of the solution half an hour before breakfast, and the remainder - before bed.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is well suited for juice therapy. Reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood helps regular consumption of fresh from the following vegetables:

Diabetes type 2 - new in treatment

Breakthrough in the methods of therapy and prevention of the pathology in question has not happened yet. A group of Swedish scientists is experiencing a new treatment for type 2 diabetes with a potential drug with the current name 2H10. Its action is aimed at preventing the accumulation of fat in muscle structures, including the heart. Due to this, the susceptibility of tissues to insulin increases, and the level of glucose in the blood is normalized. The chemical properties of the agent 2H10 and its side effects are still being investigated in Sweden and Australia.

Diabetes type 2 - diet and nutrition

The correct composition of the diet is considered one of the key points of therapy. The diet for type 2 diabetes requires frequent meals, the best option is 6 meals a day. If there is obesity, a diet with a low calorie content is recommended. For women, their daily amount is limited to 1000-1200, men - 1200-1600. These are approximate values, the exact calorie is calculated by the attending physician taking into account the lifestyle, motor activity and physiological characteristics of a particular person.

Type 2 diabetes - what can not be eaten?

From the diet of the patient should be completely eliminated foods that cause a sharp increase in blood sugar. Nutrition for type 2 diabetes involves limiting or abstaining from alcohol. Alcohol is the source of "empty" extra calories and promotes a set of excess weight. When treated with sugar-lowering medications, alcohol can provoke severe hypoglycemia.

Diabetes in the second type excludes:

What can you eat with type 2 diabetes?

The hypoglycemic effect of vegetable fiber has been experimentally proved, therefore, the maximum preference should be given to it in the diet. Diabetes in type 2 diabetes includes the following products:

Complications of type 2 diabetes

If the diet and medical recommendations are not respected, and the lack of adequate therapy, the risk of development of life-threatening consequences is high. Diabetes mellitus type 2 (decompensated) leads to acute disruption of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and central nervous system. Progressing pathology causes impairment of the kidneys, liver and digestive tract. Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is fraught with such complications: