Chronic urticaria

Almost everyone in life had to face such a nuisance as hives. Small, itchy red dots - yes, yes, they are called hives. Many people face this problem several times in their entire life, so they do not pay much attention to it (it was scratched and passed-not scary). And here's what to do for those who suffer from chronic urticaria, we will tell below.

Where does urticaria come from, if there is no nettle nearby?

It is not necessary to doubt that urticaria was named because of the similarity with the reaction to the touch of the skin to the nettle. But why does urticaria appear when there is no "burning" plant nearby?

Chronic urticaria causes quite a lot to appear. This is a peculiar manifestation of an allergic reaction, and, as you know, everything can be provoked by an allergy : beginning with dust and pollen of plants, ending with the components of medicines. The main manifestations of hives are as follows:

To name the exact reason on which there was a chronic urticaria, only a professional dermatologist or an allergist can after a detailed examination of the body. By the way, even if specialists can not find the root of the problem (unfortunately, this is also possible), the disease will be classified as a chronic idiopathic or indeterminate urticaria. The process of treatment of such a disease can be delayed.

How is chronic allergic urticaria treated?

It is important to understand that the status of chronic can be attributed only to the hives, which manifests in the body for more than six weeks. And, depending on the stage of development of the problem, chronic hives can be prescribed.

The course of treatment should be determined only by a doctor. You can not joke with an allergy, just like you can not run this problem.

The essence of the treatment of hives in chronic form is the removal of symptoms and the cause of the disease. The main active agent - antihistamines.

For the treatment of chronic recurrent urticaria, stronger drugs are usually used, which are administered intramuscularly. With the disease at an early stage, and the lighter drug medications will do just fine.

If the cause of urticaria is a reaction to some food component, the patient will have to adhere to a special diet prescribed by an allergist for some time.

Since it is much easier to cure chronic urticaria at an early stage, it is better not to hesitate to consult a doctor.