How to cure a cold in 1 day?

None of us is immune from such a common and unpleasant phenomenon as a runny nose. It can be caused by hypothermia, infection with various viruses and bacteria, allergic and other factors. For many, the urgent question is how quickly to cure a cold in 1 day to return to the normal rhythm of life.

How to get rid of a cold in 1 day?

The beginning runny nose is recommended to be treated immediately, which will not only help get rid of the pathology faster, but also help prevent the development of chronic processes and various complications. At the first manifestations of a cold it is desirable to provide the body with peace and to give up any activity to enable the immune system to maximize "focus" on pathology. Next, consider a few recommendations on how to cure a cold in 1 day, which will help to quickly eliminate uncomfortable symptoms.

Rinsing or irrigation of the nose with saline solutions

This simple procedure should be performed at the beginning of the disease every 30-60 minutes, which will contribute to the following:

For washing, you can use pharmaceutical preparations in the form of sprays:

An alternative method is the use of saline solution or saline, prepared independently (9 g salt per liter of boiled water). For irrigation, you can use a bottle of any used nose spray, pipette, syringe, syringe without a needle. More complicated, but having the most powerful effect, is the washing of the nose with special devices.


If a cold is caused by an allergy, antiallergic drugs in the nose, nasal glucocorticosteroids, antihistamines will come to the rescue. To improve breathing with severe nasal congestion, vasoconstrictive drops can be used. With cold coryza, antiseptic nasal solutions are effective. Of the folk remedies for the treatment of the common cold for 1 day, it is recommended to use:

Thermal procedures

Effective warming at home with a cold is sufficient (in the absence of an elevated body temperature). For this you can:

  1. Take a general bath before going to bed with a water temperature of about 37-38 ° C for 15 minutes.
  2. Take a hot foot bath for 5-20 minutes, then put on socks and go to bed.
  3. At night, put on socks in which to pour a teaspoon of dried mustard.
  4. Two or three times a day, perform warming of the bridge of the nose with hot boiled eggs wrapped in cloth, a bag of hot salt or sand.


To activate the body's defenses, it is recommended to massage the points located on the following sites several times a day for a couple of minutes:

Easy vitamin diet and plentiful drink

In order not to burden the body, not to force it to expend energy on digesting heavy food, it is necessary to abandon heavy protein and fatty foods. Preference is recommended to give to products rich in vitamins C, A, B2, B6, D:

The use of liquid, on the contrary, should be increased to 2.5 liters per day. The most useful in the cold are warm teas, non-carbonated mineral water, broth of wild rose, berry nectars.