Diet with thrombophlebitis

Many doctors are sure that nutrition with thrombophlebitis does not play a special role, however, as practice shows, it is much easier to fight most diseases, if the body receives all necessary substances from food and does not divert itself to digesting heavy food. Thrombophlebitis is a disease in which veins suffer, which means that the diet should be constructed in a way that does not contaminate blood and blood vessels.

Diet with thrombophlebitis

No matter what thrombophlebitis you have - lower limbs or deep veins, the diet will be the same in any case. Moreover, it's not even a diet, but a small summary of recommendations for nutrition in thrombophlebitis, which will allow you to quickly defeat the disease.

So, it is useful to include in the daily diet if not all these products, then at least part of them:

It's not at all difficult: drink ginger tea, cook salads with onions, pickle the bird in garlic, and if there is such a seasonal opportunity - add to the diet these fruits.

It is important at the same time to comply with the drinking regime: liquids taking into account water, tea and soups should come at least 2.5 liters per day.

The basis of the diet in this case - the gifts of nature: all kinds of fruits and vegetables in all forms, including fried and cooked on the grill.

Diet with thrombophlebitis: what should be excluded?

It is believed that a number of products can bring problems if they are used during the period of the disease or the more so when it worsens. These include:

As you can see, too strict restrictions thrombophlebitis in the diet does not require. You can follow a vegetarian diet, because the main thing to make the basis is not products of animal origin, but plant food.

Sample menu for the day

It is much easier to navigate in what is permitted, when there is an example before your eyes. We offer this option:

  1. Breakfast : cereal with fruit.
  2. The second breakfast : natural yogurt, better - home.
  3. Lunch : vegetable soup, bread, boiled egg.
  4. Snack : ginger tea, something sweet.
  5. Dinner : stewed vegetables, tea, sandwiches with cheese.
  6. Before going to bed : melon, watermelon or other berries and fruits, a handful of nuts.

A couple of times a week you can afford low-fat meat, fish and poultry, in this case, there will be no special harm. The main thing, do not forget about dairy products, nuts and eggs, which must give the body the missing protein.