Why are fingernails cracked?

Beautiful well-groomed hands with chic manicure is the real pride of any woman. However, there are situations when, due to circumstances, this luxury is impossible because of the fragility of the nail plates. What is the reason why the nails are broken and broken and how to deal with this scourge, we will talk today.

And where is the dog buried?

When suddenly you notice that the nails have started to separate and break, the first thing that comes to mind is the fungus. But it's not so simple. The cause of the sudden fragility of the nail plate can act and any of the serious diseases lurking in the depth of our body. And the fragility in this case serves only as a signal or symptom, on which it is necessary to pay close attention. In the old days people in their mass did not possess such knowledge. What gave a rich food for the earnings of every sorceress and wizard, who can tell a person about a man so much that you are amazed. In our days of great opportunities and high technologies, nobody can be surprised by such tricks. If desired, the place of the sorceress can be occupied by any of us, and the question of why the nails of an adult or child break and break, will lose its mysteriousness.

What can tell nails?

So, the shape, color and texture of nail plates is a real informer of the internal state of our body. Having studied this simple language, you can already at an early stage to expose a lot of serious diseases and stop them on the vine. So, if the nails on the hands break and break, and their surface is covered with white dots and spots, you first need to think about the lack of calcium and make a blood test to determine the amount of this important component. Detection on the nail plates of dents and indentations can signal the beginning or concealed psoriasis. Convex nails testify to the sick of the lungs, and nails in the form of a spoon scream about the lack of iron in the blood. The blue shade warns of problems with the cardiovascular system, and the yellowish one - about the ailments of the liver. Well, if the tuberosity of the nail surface joins the latter, then it's time to think about the fungus. This symptom can also hint at the onset of diabetes mellitus, which is often accompanied by bacterial and fungal infections.

Why do the nails break and break in the child?

All the above mentioned points are also relevant for the health of our children. But this list will not be complete without mentioning the vitamin deficiency, because full-fledged and proper nutrition is very important for the full growth and development of a small child. And, above all, sufficient intake of vitamin D, under the influence of which the skeleton, hair, skin and nails of the baby are formed. And, if the baby suddenly began to break up and break down the nail plates, in the first place, it is necessary to sound the alarm in this direction.

Non-medical reasons why fingernails break and break

But the list of causes of brittle nails does not end with diseases and beriberi. In the fragility of the nail plates, professional features can be to blame. For example, work with aggressive substances, such as alcohol, oil products, cleaning and cleaning products, caustic powders, chemicals and dyes. Also, problems with nails are often found in housewives who cook meals for whole days, wash and clean dishes, wash clothes and crawl with a rag on the floor. Too many water procedures are obtained, which, of course, does not help to strengthen the nails. And, finally, it is possible to spoil the beauty with a non-professional manicure or with a too short haircut. It can injure their structure and entail delamination and brittleness.

What if the fingernails are broken and broken?

First, find out the cause, and then eliminate it. Treat internal diseases, get rid of fungi, establish proper nutrition, observe safety at work and at home. When washing dishes and floors, washing and cleaning plumbing, do not forget about rubber gloves. In every possible way to cherish and cherish their hands. Pamper them once a week with a warming bath of decoction of chamomile or succession, treat with olive or sea-buckthorn oil, feed with a nutritious vitamin cream and remember gloves in winter cold. In a word, take care of your pens, and your manicure will be impeccable.