Palm Sunday - signs and customs

Among the church holidays, this day is considered especially revered, which is why many signs and customs are associated with the Palm Sunday. Having become acquainted with these popular beliefs, you will be able not only to attract money or love, but also to provide yourself peace and prosperity, of course, if you hold some rituals.

Signs and superstitions on Palm Sunday

Let's start, perhaps, with the most important, with health. Our ancestors believed that the willow can give a person relief from infirmities, for this they conducted a special ritual, ate a few kidneys of this tree. This simple action according to beliefs helped to cope with chronic and acute diseases, helped to strengthen immunity and even speedy growth and development of children.

Another sign of the Palm Sunday, which is popular among the people to this day, is that the branches of this tree should be kept in the house for a year. So you can bring prosperity to the house, keep prosperity and happiness in it, and, of course, protect it from penetration of evil forces. Just do not forget that the branches are better consecrated in the church, so they will become an even more powerful amulet capable of resisting evil spirits.

Young parents can come in handy and such a popular recipe for evil eye and illnesses, like bathing a child in a decoction of the vertebral branches. To prepare the infusion, you just need to boil the consecrated branches, and add the filtered solution to the bathing water, that's what you need to do on Palm Sunday, in order to protect children from bad eyes, colds and ailments according to the signs.

A special place in popular beliefs is occupied by signs on the Palm Sunday for girls. For example, on this holiday it was forbidden to comb hair, the woman on Saturday had to braid them in a braid and cover their head with a handkerchief. Our grandmothers believed that if they still combed the curls, they would be spoiled and would be constantly confused.

In order to attract a loved one, they advised us to remember him from the very morning of the holiday. After that, the guy, according to the belief, was to appear and invite the girl on a date. It is not known whether this method works, but, it is quite possible to try it, because there is no risk for the woman in this.

In order to get married, the girl should have asked her relatives to whip her with a few branches of consecrated willows, the more relatives participated in this ritual, the higher the likelihood of a rich and affectionate groom appearing in the very near future. Just remember that to participate in this ritual can only blood relatives people, you can not ask a girlfriend to do it for you, so you just delay your own wedding, or even give up the luck of a friend. It is better if the mother, father, brother or sister agrees to whip the girl.

What can not be done on the signs on Palm Sunday?

There are various prohibitions related to this day, firstly, does not recommend that you engage in household chores on the holiday, it is believed that this will lead to the fact that the owners will lose their happiness and will constantly get sick and quarrel.

Secondly, in no case can you use artificial willow branches, they are even refused to consecrate in the church, so do not be lazy to go to the park or the pussy-market and buy real ones. Otherwise, the house will not only not be protected from evil forces, you will also make a kind of invasion of evil spirits to settle with you.

The last ban is connected with the feast, never on that day was too much food on the table. This holiday implies moderation in food, and not a noisy meal with a lot of alcohol.