Small chest

Breast growth is one of the main indicators of sexual development. This process begins in girls about 8-9 years. The formation of glands on average occurs for 4 years, but can last up to 18 years. But why do some girls have small breasts, while others do not grow at all? The development of female mammary glands is affected by several factors.

Why do women have a small chest?

The glands that produce milk are about the same size as all women. This means that the size of the breast is determined only by the amount of fat tissue embedded in it. That's why the plump girls and women, usually, the chest is larger than the skinny. In addition, the dimensions are determined by such factors as heredity. Do all women in your family have a small chest? You are unlikely to become the owner of large volumes.

The small size of a breast at girls can be because of such factors:

  1. Insufficiency of estrogens in the blood - it is these female sex hormones responsible for breast growth in adolescence. Therefore, if their level is greatly reduced, the mammary glands may not grow at all.
  2. Insufficiency of thyroid hormones - in girls with a reduced level of thyroid hormones, very often a small breast.
  3. Other hormonal disorders - in rare cases, the process of growth of the mammary glands can also disturb the imbalance of other hormones.

If problems with breast growth occur during puberty, the girl may have nervous system diseases. Scientists have proved that the constant presence in stressful situations and severe psychological trauma negatively affect the size of the mammary glands.

Why is one breast smaller than the other?

There are cases when girls have one breast smaller than another. Basically, this is very noticeable in the period of their active growth. If the difference is small, then this is absolutely normal, because many parts of our body are asymmetrical. Also worry is not necessary in cases where one breast became slightly less after lactation.

Immediately consult a doctor if the breasts are very different in size or the changes occurred suddenly. The cause of this pathology can be:

One breast can become smaller after breast inflammation or mechanical impact on it during professional sports.

How to deal with the problem?

If of all the women of your kind you have the smallest breast and you are over 21 years old, the first thing to do is to visit a gynecologist, an endocrinologist and a mammologist. The doctor will examine the mammary glands and find out if there is any cause for concern. In cases where the breast is really underdeveloped, you need to do several examinations:

The analysis of a blood has shown, what in an organism does not get any hormone? It is necessary to restore a normal hormonal background. For this It is necessary to take special medicines, which are selected individually. When diagnosing pathological severe illnesses or oncopathology, urgent treatment should be performed. To exclude the possibility of remission, after completion of therapy it is necessary to undergo regular examinations.

Mammary glands have different sizes and this is due to the individual anatomical feature of your body? Solve such a problem only with the help of surgical intervention. Breasts increase, as a rule, to girls over 18 years of age. This operation is not contraindicated for those who have not yet given birth.