Utensils for glass-ceramic plates

The glass ceramic plate is not just a fashion novelty. It has many advantages, including modern design, fast cooking and safe operation. Owners of glass-ceramic panels know: for such equipment special dishes are needed. Which one and why? Let's find out!

Do we need special dishes for glass-ceramic plates?

Do not neglect the wishes of the manufacturers of such plates with respect to the material of manufacture and the quality of the dishes. These moments are very important to ensure that your plate is working properly and for a long time. If you use dishes that are not intended for glass ceramics, then you risk cutting your life by half with your own hands.

And now let's find out in what kind of dishes it is allowed to cook on a glass-ceramic plate, and to what extent it is absolutely impossible?

Which dishes are suitable for glass-ceramic plates?

The following requirements are imposed on the glass-ceramic cookware:

  1. First of all, it should have a smooth flat bottom without any relief. The absence of bends, patterns and notches is necessary for the complete contact of the dishes with the glass-ceramic panel.
  2. The thickness of the bottom is one of the important characteristics of glassware. It should be sufficient to avoid deformation of the bottom of the dishes when heated. Therefore, buy for your plate only dishes with a thick bottom. It can be slightly concave (expanding with heating, the bottom will be denser on the surface of the plate), but only not convex.
  3. The diameter of the bottom of the dishes , whether it is a frying pan, a saucepan or a pan, must match the size. This ensures optimum heat transfer, the stove will not overheat, and electricity is not wasted. But kazanki and frying-pans wok with a too small round bottom are not suitable for use with glass ceramics.
  4. As for the material of manufacture, the best of them is considered stainless steel. In order not to be mistaken, take a magnet to the store and bring the dishes to the bottom. Magnetic properties are very important for the proper operation of the plate. Cast-iron dishes are also good for glass-ceramic plates. But glass, aluminum or copper utensils for glass-ceramic plates are not recommended for use. The first one is heated for a long time and it cools down just as long, it will be difficult for you to regulate the temperature with it. And pots with a bottom made of copper or aluminum can spoil the surface of the plate, leaving traces on it and shortening the life of it. When buying, pay attention to the markings. On the set of dishes you need, there will always be an icon for glass ceramics. This kind of dishes, even if it is enameled, can be safely purchased for use on a glass-ceramic plate. At the same time to buy dishes with the inscription "for electric stoves" is not necessary - here we mean a conventional electric tile without glass-ceramic coating.
  5. In the instructions to any plate of glass ceramics it is written that the bottom of the dishes should be either matte or glossy, but at the same time dark . This is due to the fact that bright glossy surfaces have the property of reflecting thermal radiation, because of which the cooking time increases. The same applies to dishes with a mirror bottom.

And, finally, we note one more rule. The dishes that you previously used on a gas or electric stove should not be placed on a new glass-ceramic, even if it meets all the above. The bottom of such a pan is already deformed under the influence of flame and high temperature, and is not able to provide optimal heating. Therefore, when planning the purchase of a glass-ceramic plate, add to the list of future expenses and purchase of new dishes.