Grog beverage

There are a lot of options for preparing such a classic drink as grog, and some of them we intend to consider in this material.

Grog - a classic alcoholic recipe

If we consider a truly classic Grog recipe, then we will focus on a simple mixture of water and rum, which obviously does not appeal to the majority of readers, so let's turn to the modern classics, in which the alcoholic base is mixed with lemon juice, honey and spices.



Mix lemon juice with dark rum, honey and spices, then dilute the drink with hot water, adjusting the intensity of the taste and strength of the grog.

Grog - non-alcoholic recipe

Non-alcoholic grog is ordinary black tea mixed with spices and lemon juice. For its preparation, brewed tea is enough to boil for a couple of minutes with spices to taste: a stick of cinnamon, vanilla pod, cloves, an asterisk. Ready tea drink can be diluted to reduce the strength, and before serving mixed with honey and lemon juice.

How to cook Grog at home?

For those who want to increase the strength of the drink, we suggest mixing the base of dark rum with beer, and together with water use pineapple juice, which greatly diversifies the taste.



Mix dark rum with beer and sugar and leave the mixture on low heat to allow sugar to dissolve, but all alcohol is not evaporated. Water bring to a boil with spices separately. Mix the water with the alcohol base, add lime juice and serve immediately.

Grog from wine - a recipe at home



Wine mix with port and spices, place on a small fire and cook under the lid for 10 minutes. Separately cook the syrup from sugar and brandy until all the sugar crystals are dissolved. Add the raisins and zest to the syrup, and then mix with the wine and port. Serve the drink immediately.