Gogol-mogol - recipe

Drink gogol-mogol for today is very popular in our country. There are many recipes for its preparation. The most important thing in a drink is the presence of chicken eggs. All other ingredients are fantasy and culinary preferences. However, there is a classic recipe for making a gogol-mogol, which serves as a frame for all other species.

Gogol-mogol is usually advised to drink when the voice disappears, or the throat hurts. This therapeutic miracle is composed of the usual yolks whipped with sugar. It helps not only with the restoration of vocal cords, but even with angina and the treatment of a severe cough. And how to prepare an eggnog that it was not only a medicine, but also a tasty dessert?

Let's consider with you how the gogol is done!

Alcoholic gogol-mogol

Yes, you did not hear, it was alcoholic! This drink is very common in many establishments. But most of all it is loved, of course, by women, because it turns out to be very sweet and sugary. How to make an alcoholic gogol-mogol right at home?



To make a mogul, take the eggs and separate the proteins from the yolks. Whisk the yolks and gradually add sugar to make a white foam. Continuing to whisk, slowly and gradually pour in whiskey, rum, milk and half of the cream. In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks into a steep foam and add a mixture of yolks. Add the remaining cream, sugar powder and whisk the mass until thick. We spill the alcoholic gogol-mogol into tall glasses and decorate with grated nutmeg and a stick of cinnamon.

Gogol-mogol for children

If suddenly your child gets sick and has a sore throat, and he does not like medicine, then the prescription for a child's medical mogul will come to the rescue.



To prepare a child's masthead, take the eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks and grate the yolks with sugar. Then add the cocoa and a little butter. All beat up with a mixer until a lush foam is formed and poured into a cup.

Classic gogol-mogol - recipe



Separate the yolks from proteins. We remove the proteins for 10 minutes in the refrigerator, and in the yolks add salt, sugar and whisk thoroughly with a mixer. Mass should increase approximately in 2 times. We take out refrigerated proteins from the refrigerator, add sugar, salt and also whisk until the foam forms. Then pour gogol-mogol into the glasses, mixing the whipped yolks with whites and, if desired, decorate with cream and nutmeg.

Coffee gogol with milk



We beat the protein with a mixer, and rub the yolk with sugar with a fork. At the bottom of the glass pour warm milk, then we put a little ground coffee, we spread the yolk from above and into the center - protein. You can drink gogol-mogul with milk without mixing.

Fruit gogol-mogol



Razirayem yolks with sugar, add salt and any fruit juice. We all get in a good way without stopping. Then add cold milk and whipped protein foam. Such a cocktail can be drunk through a straw.