Vaginal bacteriosis

Within a few days from birth, the girl's vagina is populated with various bacteria - staphylococci, anaerobes, streptococci. During puberty, there are also changes in the flora of the girl's genitals.

In the vagina of a healthy woman can be more than 40 different bacteria. They are all in balance, not allowing one species to exceed others. When the microorganisms of the vagina are in a normal state, they provide protection to the organs of the reproductive system of the woman.

Under the influence of various factors, the microflora of the vagina begins to break down, which leads to vaginal dysbiosis . Changes in the microflora of the vagina do not occur unexpectedly. Most likely, they already were, just a woman did not attach importance to periodically arising changes. If the dysbacteriosis of the vagina is not treated in time, it leads to vaginitis, colpitis, urethritis, cystitis, cervicitis. And these are serious diseases of the female sexual sphere.

Diagnosis of vaginal bacteriosis

The causes of vaginal bacteriosis may be hypothermia, stress, some hormonal disorders, the abolition of contraceptives, a new sexual partner, smoking, pregnancy. Often vaginal bacteriosis accompanies intestinal dysbacteriosis .

The diagnosis of bacteriosis can only be made by a doctor. A gynecologist takes a smear from a woman's vagina, and by the bacteriological culture determine the composition of the microflora. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor diagnoses and prescribes treatment.

Classical symptoms of vaginal bacteriosis:

These symptoms are sometimes less pronounced and vice versa. Vaginal dysbacteriosis often proceeds spasmodically: the patient may experience an exacerbation, or a remission.

Treatment of vaginal bacteriosis

Only on the basis of the results of the analysis the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. The treatment of bacteriosis is to restore the vaginal microflora to a normal state. Most often, doctors prescribe antibiotics and suppositories, which is now recognized as ineffective, as relapse occurs in more than 40% of cases.

On the question of how to treat vaginal bacteriosis, a competent doctor will offer a course of treatment in two directions at once. This means that you must simultaneously remove from the body an excess of harmful microbes and bring the flora of the vagina to normal. It is also necessary to increase the immunity of the female body.

The main drugs for the treatment of vaginal bacteriosis are:

It is necessary to restore the microflora preparations probiotics, which contain lactobacilli, bifidobacteria. For example, Lineks.

At home, for the removal of symptoms of the disease, douching or local injection of tampons impregnated with medicinal herbs can be done. Also use tinctures and teas that strengthen immunity. But in no case should one engage in self-medication.

Vaginal bacteriosis in pregnancy is fraught with miscarriage at different stages of pregnancy, the birth of a premature baby, the risk of developing various infections in it, and the infection of the uterus of a woman after childbirth. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the treatment of bacteriosis even before the conception of the child, and also not to neglect the treatment during the coming pregnancy.