Few milk is lactating

Breast milk is the most valuable and healthy food for a child of the first year of life. After giving birth, the woman, within a few days, begins to actively develop milk, and the mother's task is to keep the lactation at the proper level for the entire period of GW.

But what if the mother has little milk? Unfortunately, this is a fairly common problem for inexperienced mothers who have recently given birth to their first-born. Although not always the fears of a nursing woman are justified. It happens that a young mother simply panics because of a lack of experience, she thinks that the baby is hungry, because he cries or often asks for a breast. This behavior of the newborn is quite natural and does not always indicate a lack of milk during breastfeeding. If the suspicions are confirmed, do not despair, since there is a mass of effective methods of increasing milk in a nursing mother.

Ways to increase lactation of milk with HB:

  1. Feeding on demand. The more often the mother puts the baby to the breast, the more milk will come. The baby is better than any breast pump, it frees the breast, which increases lactation and is very useful when there is little milk in the nursing mother. The method is very effective and can be used together with other methods.
  2. Hot drink before feeding. It can be hot tea in half with milk, tea "vprikusku" with fresh home curd (very effective method), milk with honey (if there is no allergy). To drink better for 5-10 minutes before feeding, after which the mother usually immediately feels the appearance of milk in the chest.
  3. A warm shower on the area of ​​the breast and a light massage. Promotes the establishment of breastfeeding, when the mother has little milk and is used in conjunction with other methods.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids. Breastfeeding mother should drink at least 2.5-3l of liquid per day.
  5. Special teas for lactation . You can drink ready-made industrial compounds sold by pharmacies. How to brew and use them is described in detail in the instructions. Excellent help to increase lactation, when there is little milk from a nursing woman, prepared decoctions of fennel, fennel seeds, anise. To do this, 1 teaspoon of raw material is boiled and boiled until it is warm. They drink between the feedings.
  6. Full sleep and no stress. No less important factor that affects breastfeeding, when there is little milk from the mother.

If a woman will adhere to the correct regime of the day and avoid stress, these methods will help her in the shortest time to increase lactation and adjust GW. Therefore, you should not rush to combine feeding the baby with breast milk and milk formula - this can only harm the baby and reduce lactation. Trust in nature, feed crumbs on demand, use the methods most suitable for you, and the child will be able to fully eat the most valuable product - mother's milk.