Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth?

Virtually every person has fear of a dental office. That's why we go to the dentist, when the pain becomes impossible to endure. But when the teeth hurt during pregnancy, it becomes terribly doubly: for themselves and for the future child.

All specialists unanimously affirm: it is possible to treat the teeth during pregnancy , and even necessary. And it is even better to prevent problems and carry out preventive and aesthetic procedures for the oral cavity, which, for example, includes teeth whitening during pregnancy.

What problems can the future mother face?

  1. Sore teeth during pregnancy can be a consequence of not cured inflammation of the gums in time, which provoked gingivitis - bacteria contained in food debris and dental plaque. Thorough oral hygiene and rinsing after eating will help avoid this problem.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity are called periodontitis. They are characterized by the appearance of "dental pockets" and a violation of the condition of the gums. The causes of the appearance are weakened immunity and deterioration of the blood supply, coupled with poor hygiene of the oral cavity.
  3. Bleeding gums. Here the main role is played by the lack of calcium in the body. This is especially evident in the second half of pregnancy, when the skeleton and bones of the baby begin to be laid.
  4. Caries and his "complicated" form - pulpitis give a lot of trouble to the future mother. In most cases, the presence of caries in the mother means its presence in the child. The solution to the problem is ultrasonic teeth cleaning during pregnancy.
  5. Abaissement of the tooth. This brings a lot of trouble, but the question is whether it is possible for pregnant women to insert teeth, only the dentist will decide, depending on the situation.

Anesthesia of the teeth during pregnancy

Many people are wondering whether anesthesia can be used, for example, when the tooth of wisdom is cut during pregnancy? Can. To begin with it is necessary to estimate a threshold of pain. If you can tolerate the removal of the seal, it is better to do without additional medications. But if treatment of teeth to pregnant women causes pain, use anesthesia. Dentists reduce the dose and inject according to your interesting situation, so you should not be afraid.

If bad teeth during pregnancy make themselves felt and you urgently need to do an x-ray of the tooth during pregnancy , it's better to postpone it for the second trimester. Remember that in no case can you use arsenic in the tooth during pregnancy, because this remedy is a kind of poison.

During pregnancy, there is a change in metabolism, and the body receives less vitamins and minerals, since everything is now divided into two. Therefore, a lack of calcium leads to the fact that the teeth begin to crumble during pregnancy.

The next factor to pay attention to is the change in the composition of saliva. It is the salivary gland that contains elements that prevent the appearance of caries and protect the teeth from external influences.

When pregnant can you treat your teeth?

If the tooth hurts during pregnancy - treat! The second trimester is exactly the period when it can be done without worrying about the threat to the fetus.

The main enemy of pregnant women is the staphylococcal bacterium. With its excess even the maternity wards are closed and pregnant women are transported to another place. And did you know that these bacteria can form in the oral cavity of improper hygiene or even putrefaction of the tooth?

Therefore, if the teeth hurt during pregnancy, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor, otherwise it can lead to bad consequences and various kinds of inflammation. But you must tell the dentist about your interesting situation and name the exact time to avoid the appointment of an incorrect course of treatment. Only the attending physician will be able to determine whether it is possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth at the moment or whether it is worthwhile to postpone this "pleasant" procedure before the birth of the baby.