16 weeks of pregnancy - fetal size

The fetus on the 16th week of pregnancy has an increase of about 10-13 cm. The weight of the fetus is from 55 to 100 g. At the same time, the woman is gaining weight, a normal supplement is considered to be plus 2-2.3 kg. The shape of the uterus changes, it becomes hemispherical, and its size is 16 weeks - with a little melon.

16 weeks - fetus

The fetus continues to grow actively, on ultrasound its KTR (coccyx-parietal size) at 16 weeks is about 41 mm. At 16 weeks, and determined the size of the fetus as BPR (biparietal size), it is 31-37 mm. This size means the transverse size of the baby's head.

In addition, at 16 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal size is determined as the circumference of its head, which should average 124 mm, the abdomen circumference 100 mm, the thigh length 20 mm, the length of the humerus 18 mm, the length of the forearm 15 mm and the length shin - 18 mm.

In addition to the dimensions, ultrasound evaluates factors such as the symmetry of the limbs, the appearance of long bones, which should be even and without interrupted lines. At this time, it is already possible to determine the sex of the future child - the genitals are formed and visible quite clearly. Of course, you can not exclude inaccuracies in the process of determining, so do not tune in expecting a child of a particular sex, so as not to experience frustration in the event of an error.

How does the fetus look like in 16 weeks?

Its body is still rather disproportionate. It means that the head occupies a significant part of the size of the embryo. It already has the first hairs, while they are whitish, but as soon as the skin starts to produce a pigment, they will be painted in a natural color. Marigolds appear on the fingers, legs extend.

The handles try to reach and grab the legs, the umbilical cord, squeeze them. But to be afraid that he will overwhelm him and deprive himself of access to oxygen and nutrients is not necessary - the umbilical veins are protected by a special shell and they can not squeeze their babies.

The embryo at 16 weeks continues to develop actively. Begin the work of the kidney and bladder, sweat and sebaceous glands, coordination of movements is increasing.

16 weeks - sensation of a woman

At the time of 16 weeks of pregnancy a woman can already feel the slight movements of the fetus. They are still rather weak and can be confused with intestinal peristalsis. It is especially difficult to understand a woman who gives birth for the first time. Experienced women in labor can understand that this is the movement of their child.

The size of the abdomen at week 16 is still quite small, especially if the woman has a large physique. In this case, pregnancy can remain invisible. Thin women with narrow hips undergo much greater changes - their tummy starts to be noticeably protruding forward.

As for the general sensations - the second trimester, which you entered from the 13th week, is rightly considered the most pleasant period of pregnancy. Judge for yourself - you are no longer bothered by toxemia in the mornings, the general condition has improved, hormones do not sham so much, you no longer want to cry and laugh at the same time. Plus, the stomach is still small and the weight gain is insignificant - so it's still quite easy and pleasant to walk. At this time, edema and varicose rarely occur. It remains only to enjoy your fortune.

The child already hears sounds outside of the mother, so it's useful to listen to the classic music with the baby, talk to him, sing songs to him. Emotional and intellectual development of the child begins in the womb . Let him talk to him - the baby will get used to his voice even before his birth.

Continues to grow not only the uterus, but also the chest, it can appear venous nets and stretch marks. To avoid stretch marks not only on the chest, but also on the abdomen and hips, you need to use special means and watch the weight without adding too much and dramatically.