17 weeks of pregnancy - fetal size

The 17th week of pregnancy refers to the 2nd trimester. For a woman, this means the end of the toxicosis and the appearance of the tummy. At the fetus on the 17th week of pregnancy, virtually all organs and systems are already formed, but they continue to improve. In our article, the features of fetal development at week 17 and changes in the body of a future mother will be considered.

17 weeks of pregnancy - the structure, weight and size of the fetus

To determine the length of the fetus, measure the so-called coccygeal-parietal size. The coccyx-parietal size (CT) of the fetus at 17 weeks is an average of 13 cm. The weight of the fetus at 17 weeks is 140 grams.

During this period, the immune system is formed and begins to function in the child, its own interferon and immunoglobulins are developed, which protect the child from an infection that can penetrate the mother's body. The fetus at 17 weeks begins to appear and build up subcutaneous fat and fat and original grease. Their main function is protective, and the subcutaneous fat takes an active part in the processes of thermoregulation.

The baby's heart is already formed by 17 weeks, but continues to improve. The palpitation of the fetus at 17 weeks is normally within 140-160 beats per minute. An important event of this period of pregnancy is the formation and the beginning of the functioning of the endocrine glands: the pituitary and adrenal glands. The cortical substance of the adrenal glands during this period begins to release glucocorticoid hormones (cortisol, corticosterone).

The fetus of the female forms the uterus. At the 17th week of pregnancy, the fetus is laying permanent teeth, which are placed immediately behind the milk teeth. The hearing organ actively develops during this period, the embryo at 17 weeks begins to distinguish sounds, responds to the voices of parents.

Feelings of a woman at 17 weeks gestation

The second trimester of pregnancy women are considered the most favorable when the early toxicosis disappears, and the stomach is not very large. However, at 17 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen has already been significantly increased by a pregnant uterus, especially in slender women, which will change the figure. The uterus during this period rises above the umbilicus at 17 cm. A woman during this period can no longer wear jeans or a short skirt. Clothes should be free enough not to pinch the baby.

At the 17th week of pregnancy, a woman can begin to feel unpleasant sensations in the uterus, which are associated with her rapid increase. If these feelings bring discomfort, then this should be reported to your doctor.

The fruit at 17 weeks reaches a sufficiently large size, so that the future mother begins to feel his stirring. Fecundations of the fetus at 17 weeks begin to mark all the moles and some primiparous women. During this period, a woman will increasingly be bothered by the urge to urinate, which is associated with the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder.

Fetal examination in 17 weeks of pregnancy

The main method of fetal examination at the 17th week of pregnancy is ultrasound. The ultrasound of the fetus at 17 weeks is not screening and conducted if there is evidence. Conduction of ultrasound gives an opportunity to conduct fetometry of the fetus at 17 weeks: measure the lobular and biparietal dimensions of the fetus , the circumference of the abdomen, chest, the length of the upper and lower extremities. The biparietal size (BDP) of the fetal head at 17 weeks is normally 21 mm.

A future mother at this time should continue to lead a healthy lifestyle: avoid infection, stress, eat right, often be in the fresh air. In addition, it is necessary to talk with your future child, listen to calm music, because it is at this age that the baby begins to hear everything.