Is it harmful for cats?

When the conversation is about valerian , even a small child knows what it is. Adults take drops or tablets of this plant to calm down, but the action of valerian on cats is quite the opposite. And why is it that the cats react to the smell of valerian more than the representatives of the weaker sex of this family.

How does valerian affect cats?

The presence of essential oils in the root of the plant reminds our pets of the smell of pheromones of urine of their adult relatives and this incomprehensibly increases the level of hormones in the blood before euphoria. And such a substance as actinide causes them to get used to. Emotions of cats splash through the top. Everyone behaves differently, but everyone is equally excited. Quiet and affectionate hooligans, shouting, they can roll on the floor or wriggle their hair, run around the house. A cat without a reason can attack its master, biting and scratching it. It is believed that valerian causes hallucinations in animals. In any case, our pets are unrecognizable and unpredictable. For valerian they are ready to go to the end of the world. After the state of excitation, cats fall into a dream similar to the narcotic. Very dangerous overdoses of this wonder potion. Uncontrolled drug intake sometimes leads to coma, and then we can not do without the help of a veterinarian.

Scientists have proved that the smell of valerian does not affect kittens up to six months old. Indifferent or less susceptible to it may be some breeds of cats, for example, Siamese .

Is it possible for a cat to have a valerian?

On the question of whether it is harmful to give cats valerian, you can answer unequivocally - yes. If the doctor prescribes this drug, it means that the time has come when the benefits of taking valerian will be greater than the damage to health.

And it is the doctor who decides how much valerian can be given to the cat. With certain diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular system, the thyroid gland is prescribed a crushed root of the plant in 250 ml of boiling water. It is taken in an amount of 5 g and infused 2 hours in a water bath. Give cats for 3.5 - 8.5 ml. With pain in the abdomen, apply tincture of 1.5 or 2.5 drops.