Ampularia in the aquarium - the basic rules of content

Beautiful and useful inhabitants of aquariums will be snails. They are not only unpretentious in their care, but also maintain the purity of the vessel. Ampularia in the aquarium will develop well if you create suitable conditions for them and pick up safe neighbors.

What does the snail of an ampulary look like?

To describe the appearance and the main characteristics of this mollusk, we will provide the following information:

  1. Snails are large and grow to an average of 10 cm on average, but there are even more specimens. In nature, they live in the freshwater basins of the Amazon.
  2. The mollusc has a pair of eyes and tentacles, which are the organ of touch. It is worth noting the presence of an acute scent, due to which it finds food well.
  3. In most cases, aquarium ampullaria are yellow, but there are other varieties of color, for example, black, brown, white and even blue.
  4. Such snails can rarely be found on land, but for a full life they need atmospheric oxygen. It is worth pointing out that they have a unique respiratory system, so on the left are the lungs, and on the right - the gills.

Ampularia in the aquarium - benefit

There are controversial opinions about the benefits or harm of the presence of snails in the aquarium. The ampularia gladly eats the remains of the food after the fish, thereby protecting water from the release of harmful toxins and its rotting. If we compare what fish and shellfish leave as a result of their vital activity, the latter are more "clean" in this respect. A snail of an ampullarium in an aquarium can harm by destroying soft algae. If we compare the existing pros and cons, then the advantages of having these mollusks far outweigh.

Ampulary snail - content

Caring for mollusks is simple and you just need to consider several rules:

  1. To ampullarii in the aquarium developed well, it is important to choose a suitable vessel, the volume of which depends on the number of pets. For large specimens, 25 liters are needed for each individual.
  2. Additional aeration is not needed, but if there are many inhabitants in the aquarium, this can reduce the oxygen content and then you will have to install a special compressor. Filtration is necessary for water purification.
  3. Soil is suitable for anyone, but keep in mind that it should be cleaned weekly from faeces of snails. Some aquarists prefer not to use it at all.
  4. Large and small snails of ampullaria are not demanding of light, but they like to soak under the heat of the lamp.
  5. Shellfish like to eat soft plants, so choose algae with stiff leaves.
  6. Ampularia are undemanding to water, and they will be able to reproduce even in conditions that are unacceptable to other aquatic inhabitants. The main thing is to follow the rules of filtration and regularly change the water. It is important that the liquid contains calcium, since its deficiency is harmful to the ampulla in the aquarium. If it still does not suffice, then add to the water a little limestone, fine marble or shells from the sea. Even in pet stores, you can buy a special drug designed to increase calcium in water.
  7. It is important to cover the aquarium with a lid, as the snails can escape. Note that the mollusks creep away, if something does not suit them, so be sure to find out the reason for the escape. Between the water edge and the cover there should be a gap of 10-15 mm. This is to ensure that snails periodically breathe air.

Ampularia in the general aquarium

To snails was not boring, experts recommend buying a minimum pair. Please note that if in the aquarium there are not only ampularia, but also fish, then its volume should be at least 100 liters. For those who are interested in what kind of snails ampularia character traits, it is worth noting that they are peaceful and do not bother other inhabitants. There is an opinion that they eat fish, but this only applies to dead individuals.

On the other hand, other inhabitants of the aquarium can damage the ampularia themselves, biting off their antennae and piercing shells. Note that these snails have the ability to regenerate. It is forbidden to plant ampullarians with a Sumatran barbeque, a snapdragon, a clown bots and large cichlids in one aquarium. Trouble brings shrimp and crayfish, so in one vessel or pond to keep them with snails is not worth it.

The water temperature for the ampulla in the aquarium

Do not forget that the presented snails in nature live in the tropics, so in cold water they can not properly develop and grow. Aquarium ampullarians prefer water with a temperature of 18-24 ° C. Note that at 18 ° C the snail will slowly move around the aquarium. Another important point - the increase in temperature has a negative effect on life expectancy, but the reproduction rate increases on the contrary.

How many ampullarians live in the aquarium?

The lifespan of snails of this species depends on the water temperature in the aquarium and on compliance with the conditions of detention. People who are interested in how many snails of an ampulary live, it is worthwhile to know that under the previously mentioned suitable temperature indicators, she can live up to three years. When the thermometer is 25 ° C or higher, the life span is significantly reduced and will be 12-17 months.

What to feed the ampullar in the aquarium?

One of the advantages of this type of snails is that they are suitable for any food. In addition, the ampullarians eat what is not eaten by the fish, thanks to which the water does not deteriorate. If you are interested in how to feed an aquarium snail ampullar, then consider the following preferences:

  1. The best food is vegetables and tablets for catfish. It is recommended to give pets zucchini, cucumber, lettuce and pumpkin. Vegetables need to boil for a few minutes. If during the day they are not eaten, then remove the remnants from the aquarium, so that the water does not darken. Note that if snails of vegetables are not grabbed, they will eat the plants.
  2. They like ampullarians in the aquarium live food , for example, bloodworms and tubulars, but it is important that they do not fall to the ground, so use a special feeder.

Ampularia - reproduction in an aquarium

There is a misconception that all snails are hermaphrodites, but in fact it is not. Ampularia are heterosexual and this should be taken into account by people who want to increase the number of mollusks in their aquarium. Understanding how the snails of the ampularia multiply, we note that the success of the process depends on seasonal conditions. To stimulate spawning, you can use some tricks: a large amount of food and a high water temperature.

How to determine the sex of the ampularia snail?

This species of snails refers to the same-sex and it is not possible for a person to correctly identify the individual male and female. Some aquarists, when asked about how to distinguish a female snail from an ampularia from a male, are offered to look under the sink where the reproductive organ is located, but in fact this method is often erroneous. If you plan to breed such pets, then at least four individuals are recommended to have a plant.

How do snails co-ampullar?

When the snails become sexually mature, they will begin to reproduce themselves and the process occurs approximately like this:

  1. During the mating, the snails are joined, and the male will be on top. If you managed to see this picture, here it will be possible to determine which of the male and female pets.
  2. When the pairing is completed, the female crawls out of the water and lays a large number of eggs of pale pink color over the surface. If the masonry is in the water, then it will disappear.
  3. Small snails of the ampularia are born after a few weeks, but the temperature should be 21-27 ° C. Newborns are large and fully formed and they do not need special care.

Diseases of snails ampulla

With all the rules regarding care and maintenance, illnesses are extremely rare, but there is a risk:

  1. Often there is a disease of the aquarium snail ampularia, in which its shell is destroyed. It may be due to lack of calcium in water. If you notice the problem in time and add the mineral, you can fix it.
  2. Uninvited guests in the aquarium are pincers, which on the shells form grooves. To get rid of the problem, it is necessary in turn to get snails, treat the shells with a product containing formalin, and dry after cotton wool. It is important to do everything quickly, so that the evidence is not affected by prolonged exposure to air.
  3. If a green patch was found on the sink, it should be removed simply using a conventional toothbrush.