Vlasyedy in dogs - all possible methods of treatment

Vlsoedy at dogs are capable to appear even under condition of careful and careful care of the pet, they essentially undermine the health of the favorite, infecting it with a triductectom. These parasites often affect young animals, although dogs and older people are at risk, early detection will facilitate the process of recovery.

Vlasyoids in dogs - symptoms

To guard and disturb the owner must certain signs of withered dogs:

Paying attention to the health and behavior of the animal, having inspected its skin and woolen veils and noticing the factors that alarm you, immediately consult a specialist to find out the true cause of the problem: it can be worms , fungal disease or wilted. A timely treatment will lead to a faster recovery.

Ways of infection withering in dogs

The dog becomes infected with a withered person during walks, communicating with his four-legged friends, especially the homeless. The tick is also transmitted during the mating, if one of the animals does not have a caring care. Direct contacts between pets are more likely to transmit this parasite. Just a few minutes of talking dogs with each other, even with external respectability of both, and content at home, can lead to infection.

Another way to pick up the withered is the dirt brought into the house on the shoe sole, the mite's larvae easily attach to it and then fall on the paws and fur of the animal. Care should be taken to ensure that brushes, combs and other tools are clean during grooming, especially if you use the services of a specialist who provides these services.

Than to treat a withered in dogs?

Drugs from dogs in dogs should be chosen after consultation with a specialist, carefully and carefully selected medications in case of chronic liver and kidney disease, impaired metabolism or old age and the weakening of the animal. Carefully selected drugs for expensive, thoroughbred dogs, which is caused by their genetic characteristics.

The best effect is observed from the use of a whole set of tools, which include:

Shampoo for dogs

Special shampoo from withers is advisable to use for preventive purposes or at the initial stage of infection with this parasite. If the moment of the initial stage is missed and the number of insects is large, then the shampoo with this problem can not cope. Such a remedy for withers for dogs is justified by the fact that it is the least toxic of all existing. In order to completely save the pet from the problem, the use of shampoo should be repeated, soap up very carefully and after 5-10 minutes of treatment, rinse with plenty of water.

Ointment for dogs from withers

Before you remove vagaries from a dog with an ointment, carefully read the instructions to know how and in what doses to apply it to the skin of the animal. Veterinarians recommend the use of "averseectin ointment", which has a wide range of effects, including, and when affected by withers, it is low-toxic, effective, does not cause allergies.

In the presence of severely affected areas, they are pre-washed, cleaned, and then gently applied ointment. Apply the composition should be against the coat, and make sure that the animal does not lick it, until it is completely absorbed. Use this remedy twice, after the first application do scraping, examine for the presence of larvae of the tick, and if necessary, after 5-7 days, repeat the treatment. Use ointment in combination with other therapeutic agents.

Drops from withers for dogs

Effective method of treatment of withers in dogs are drops that are applied to the withers and spine with the help of a dispenser. One of the often acquired drops in the vetaptek, we can consider the products of the firm " Bars ", they retain their effect for several days. Negative qualities of the medicine can be considered a potent effect, the danger of overdose of which, threatens with allergic reactions and a negative effect on the nervous system. When handling, do not allow the drug to enter the mucous cover to avoid irritation.

Vlasyoney in dogs - treatment with folk remedies

Vlsoedy at dogs not the most widespread kind of parasites, treatment does not cause special complexities, at early stages owners often apply national ways and means. Promptly and repeatedly conducted activities will help your pet, but without complex therapy, folk remedies do not give one hundred percent disposal of this tick.

Many dog ​​owners, sharing experience, how to get rid of withers in dogs, recommend treating the diseased animal with a decoction from a string or using a powder made from chamomile, wormwood. As a preventive and therapeutic agent, apply turpentine, you can wash your dog with tar soap. If on the body of the animal wounds formed, covered with crusts, they should be lubricated with peroxide, and then dried with a green. In doing so, carefully care for the litter of the pet, erasing it and treating it with mixtures of soap, wormwood with the addition of vinegar, kerosene.

Are dangers for humans?

They are afraid that the witches in dogs are not passed on to a person, parasites live and reproduce on the skin and wool of animals. Warm-eaters thermophilic insects, the lack of wool cover in humans and a lower body temperature than dogs do not allow parasites to live and reproduce. The real danger can be for a person consequences of an accidental bite, since an insect can be infected.

To prevent the occurrence of withers in a dog, it is necessary to limit its communication with animals, whose state of health you do not know. It is better if the pet will communicate with fellow owners whose owners you know and are confident that they conscientiously and carefully look after their pets. It is easier to prevent the appearance of a tick than to treat it later.