Starting the aquarium

If you have already acquired a good reservoir and additional devices that help maintain the life of fish and aquatic plants at the proper level, you can approach the most important stage, such as the correct start of the aquarium. But first, decide on the location of your transparent handsome man. It turns out that this nuance also plays a significant role in the life of domestic fish.

Where is the best place in the house to have an aquarium?

This place should be light, but not flooded with direct sunlight more than two hours a day. When the sun is too much, the algae begin to grow rapidly and the water "blooms." Choose a solid and level stand that can withstand the load of the filled artificial pond together with the ground and fish. Do not install the vessel on narrow aisles, in a room where children often play. This is fraught with the fact that a glass handsome man can scatter from a random push to the smallest fragments. Place the aquarium near high-quality outlets, temporary transfers often break down and turn off, which leads to disruption in the life processes.

Step-by-step instructions for starting the aquarium:

  1. Water from the tap, saturated with bleach, can not be poured into the aquarium. Put it in buckets or basins and put up to stand for seven days. Some boil the liquid to remove the chlorine more quickly, but remember that this method leads to a change in the structure of the water, making it soft.
  2. The soil can either be bought, or it can be typed in a local river. In the first case, it is sufficient to wash the contents well. In the second case, rinse it and boil for another 30 minutes to kill the parasites. The same should be done with rubble. We do not forget that if neon and cardinals adore small soil, then cichlids and goldfish feel better on cobblestones. Study the type of living beings you want to keep at home.
  3. A great role in the matter, how to prepare the aquarium for launching fish, is the correct distribution of soil in the reservoir. We try to pour it evenly, only slightly lifting the layer closer to the back wall.
  4. Filling the settled liquid with a large jet is dangerous, it can disrupt the laid soil. It is better to filter it slowly through the palm, filling the vessel for the first time not completely, but only a third of the volume.
  5. Plant algae carefully, without damaging the roots. Read the instructions for each plant, because the vital activity of these organisms, depending on the type, is very different.
  6. Fully plant the aquarium at startup should not be, leave space for fish, otherwise in the dense underwater jungle they will not be where to move.
  7. Fill the remaining water in the vessel, but not back to back, but leave about 10 cm to the top.
  8. It is better not to run fish for another two weeks, until the plants take root. They will gradually develop useful substances for optimal biological balance.

Quick start of the aquarium

Some amateurs do not want to wait for the dates specified above, trying to make an accelerated start of the aquarium. There are special preparations called "Biostarters", which are designed to increase the rate of stabilization of biological equilibrium in new reservoirs. They are also used when changing a large volume of liquid and in the case when the balance of the aquatic environment is critically disturbed for various reasons.

These drugs consist of enzymes and living bacteria that make up part of the ecosystem in any aquarium. But feedback about the use of such drugs are different, you need to use them carefully and after a good consultation with a specialist. Still, beginners are better not to rush, but to apply in practice the old proven methods that give more chances to run the aquarium normally.