Why do we dream of ducks?

Dreams are different, sometimes they are bright and pleasant, and sometimes frightening. Whatever they were, it's always interesting what it means to dream.

Why do we dream of ducks?

If from outside you saw how the duck goes to the pond - it means that a quarrel with a close person will soon end. A dream come true that speaks of unfulfilled hopes and unforeseen circumstances. Flying ducks foreshadow a happy marriage. To pluck a bird is to lose money. Eating a duck is a great prospect in your future, which depends only on you.

What does a live duck dream about?

If the duck is homemade, it heralds the time spent at home, in business affairs and cares. This dream also means family wealth and prosperity. A wild bird dreams of a positive situation in the family.

Why does a dead duck dream?

Such a dream speaks of quick troubles, you will not be able to cope with them on your own, you will need help from the outside. It is possible that an outsider will contribute to this.

Why dream of feeding ducks?

This dream portends troubles that will arise because of your short-sightedness. As a result, you will start big problems. If it is fed by someone from your close environment, it means that he will become the person who will bring trouble on you and, thereby, strongly feel and be nervous.

Why dream of a duck bite?

If you have a dream this moment, it means that there may be a disease or trouble ahead. This dream does not bode well, you need to prepare yourself for the problems that ill-wishers bring to your life.

What does floating duck look like?

If a female is swimming next to a beautiful drake - a desired wedding will be in the near future. Floating duck dreams of a long and joyful journey, most likely, it will be sea.