The flower of rheo - signs and superstitions

Among the houseplants surrounding us, a flower with a short name - ryo is well-known. It is loved by many, and in the summer it can be found not only on the windowsills and balconies of apartments, but also on flower beds in parks and squares. What is so popular with flower growers - lovers of indoor flower rheo, what are its useful properties?

What is the difference between this flower?

For such an unusual name hides one of the types of Tradescantia, which are simple in care and unpretentious. However, this species is distinguished by an unusual color of the leaves, giving it an exotic appearance. However, that is what he is. He courageously tolerates the lack of irrigation for some time; For him, the bright places are more favorable, but he suffers heavily in direct sunlight. His leaves, having a double coloring, suggest that there is a mystery in them.

  1. And indeed, if the flower is in your house, it can have a double effect on the living: it increases the creative activity of those who have it, and reduces the level of tension and aggression that can periodically arise in the relationship.
  2. The plant has a beneficial effect on all those who are engaged in some useful business: its energy encourages creativity and makes it necessary to bring it to the end.
  3. The rheo flower normalizes the situation in the house, neutralizing negative energies and increasing the level of positive vibrations; signs indicate that the presence of this houseplant in the house increases the vital activity of the household, helps to streamline the thoughts, give them a positive orientation, develops creative thought and fantasy .

The plant gives its owner eloquence, the ability to think logically. The flower of rheo, as evidenced by signs and superstitions, is able to guard against witchcraft and curses, and the tenants of the house restrain from unkind acts, makes you think about the consequences of ill-considered actions, and also cleanses thoughts of negativity.