Hormone replacement therapy for women after 45 - drugs

Today, there are many drugs that are used to perform hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women after 45 years. Their diversity is due, above all, the severity of symptoms of the climacteric period, as well as the degree of disruption of the hormonal system. Proceeding from these features, doctors select drugs not only to treat manifestations of menopause, but also to prevent their appearance.

Who is shown HRT?

The use of hormonal drugs, as a rule, is resorted to in the presence of the following factors:

In addition, this kind of drugs can be used for preventive purposes, for the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, as well as in complex therapy, the so-called menopausal metabolic syndrome. The manifestation of it can be obesity, which developed against a background of the climacteric period.

What drugs are used to carry out hormone replacement therapy in women?

In the period of premenopause, therapy can be performed using only progestogens or in combination estrogen-progestogen. Among the drugs related to these groups, you can name Norethisterone acetate, Levonorgestrel, Gestodene.

Treatment for women manifestations of menopause after 45 years suggests hormonal therapy, and for complex therapy, prescribe drugs that prevent the development of osteopenia (calcium dose to 1200-1500 mg / day), - Calcium D 3, for example.

Rarely treatment does without tranquilizers, sleeping pills or psychotropic drugs to combat depressive phenomena. The most commonly used are Xanax, Halcyon, Fevarin, Lerivon.

When should HRT be inadmissible?

The main contraindications to the appointment of hormone replacement therapy are: