Gonorrhea - symptoms

Gonorrhea, or gonorrhea - is one of the most dangerous, and at the same time, the most common venereal diseases. This infection is caused by the gonococcus - a pathogenic microorganism, which, when ingested into the open air, immediately dies. In connection with this, it is almost impossible to get infected with gonorrhea in a bath, pool and other public places, while the likelihood of "picking up" this unpleasant illness during an unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner is very high.

Of course, in order not to become infected with gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases, it is advisable to have intimate relations only with trusted partners or, at least, use a condom. However, in every person's life there are different situations, and people who have sex life need to know what symptoms are in gonorrhea.

Often a sick person does not even know about his problem, because he does not experience any unpleasant sensations for a long time. In women, the asymptomatic form is much more common than in men, but complications after the disease for girls are usually much harder and more serious. However, after the end of the incubation period (up to 10 days), the first symptoms of gonorrhea are usually noted. Infection with gonococcal can occur both in an acute form and chronically.

Symptoms of acute gonorrhea

Usually signs of the disease begin to manifest in the genital area - it can be purulent or mucous discharge, pain, burning, itching, swelling of the penis in men or large labia in women. Patients are concerned about frequent and very painful urge to go to the toilet. In addition, for acute gonorrhea characterized by an increase in lymph nodes, the skin can form eczema. In rare cases, the mucous membranes of the rectum, the eye and the oral cavity are affected.

With chronic gonorrhea, all these symptoms may not be at all, especially in women, but it causes serious changes in the genitals, often resulting in infertility, as well as irreversible damage to all vital human organs - the brain, liver, kidneys, heart, nervous system, etc.

If there are signs that indicate a possible infection with gonococcus, many people are embarrassed to see a doctor, or for other reasons they start self-medication. In this case, it most likely will not bring the desired result, but only contribute to the transition of the acute form into a chronic, neglected stage, which, in turn, will lead to severe consequences for the organism. In this regard, if there are signs of gonorrhea, especially in women, it is urgent to choose the optimal treatment together with a doctor and immediately start taking medications.

Treatment of gonorrhea

The most important thing that needs to be done when finding the first symptoms of gonorrhea is to pass a complex of tests - a general smear, a sowing from the cervical canal, a vagina or a urethra, and, in addition, the attending physician will determine which microorganisms the patient's flora is populated, PCR diagnostics . as well as their sensitivity to certain antibiotics and bacteriophages. In each case, the treatment of gonorrhea is individual, depending on the results of the analysis, sex, age and other factors. Most often in the treatment of gonorrhea, such drugs as Cyflan , Azithromycin, Suprax, Tarivid, Floxal and many others are prescribed. For the treatment of acute uncomplicated gonorrhea, it is enough to take just one tablet. In addition, during the reception of antibiotics, it is necessary to drink medicines that regulate the intestinal microflora, for example, Linex or Hilak-Fort, as well as multivitamins to maintain general immunity.