Diet for the liver - a menu for every day

Anyone who has at least once encountered liver disease, is aware of how important it is to follow a diet. Any disobedience in nutrition brings with it pain and nausea. For the liver, diet No. 5 is prescribed, knowing about which, you can easily make a menu for each day.

Diet with inflammation and pain in the liver and gallbladder

  1. Monday . Breakfast consists of dairy rice porridge and one soft-boiled egg. Lunch or lunch - a small slice of curd casserole with lean sour cream. Lunch - cabbage soup and boiled meat with stewed carrots. Afternoon snack - cottage cheese casserole. A small portion of macaroni and cheese is served for dinner.
  2. Tuesday . For breakfast, doctors advise you to make yourself a salad of carrots and apples, or meat patties, steamed. For lunch, have a bite of apples. At lunch, the patient eats light mashed potatoes and boiled fish. Afternoon snack - a couple of pieces of biscuit biscuits. Dinner is a buckwheat casserole.
  3. Wednesday . Breakfast - milk porridge. Lunch - baked apples. Lunch is vegetarian soup, boiled chicken. Snack - a glass of juice (fruit). Dinner - potato soup puree and boiled fish.
  4. Thursday . Breakfast - cottage cheese with sour cream. Lunch - boiled pasta. Lunch is oat soup. Afternoon snack - low-fat kefir. Dinner - milk rice porridge.
  5. Friday . Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with butter. The second breakfast is baked apples. Lunch - milk soup with pasta. Snack - juice and biscuit biscuit. Dinner - boiled fish and vegetable salad.
  6. Saturday . Breakfast - soft-boiled egg or potato salad with butter. The second breakfast is cottage cheese with sour cream. Lunch - borscht without meat and noodles with boiled meat. Snack is a baked apple. Dinner - vareniki with cottage cheese .
  7. Resurrection . Breakfast - oatmeal milk porridge. Lunch - carrot puree. Lunch - steamed meat cutlets with vermicelli. Snack - juice and baking. Dinner - milk semolina porridge.