Gentle diet

Gentle diet is a nutrition method that allows you to achieve the ultimate goals with a soft and safe food for the body: weight loss, recovery from surgery or alleviation of an attack of gastritis. Consider these options more specifically.

Gentle diet after surgery

After any surgical intervention that affects the internal organs, the doctor will determine the time during which you will be prescribed a medical starvation. In general, this period takes about 6 hours.

After that, you can use water, weak tea, herbal tea, very thin jelly. This period lasts about 2-3 days, depending on which body was affected, and how quickly the body restores.

After this period, a soft drinking diet is appointed - loose broths, kissels, liquid vegetable purees, mashed cereals. On such a diet will need to spend a few more days, and if the body continues to recover well, and the patient does not feel sick or aching, you can switch to a sparing diet number 5 for Pevzner.

This type of food involves the exclusion of too hot or too cold food, all fatty, high-calorie sweets, muffins, fried foods. It is recommended to eat low-fat varieties of meat, fish and poultry, vegetables, cereals. It is necessary to cook in a double boiler or oven, it is also recommended to cook food.

Gentle diet with gastritis

Gentle diet in this case involves a complete exclusion from the diet of those foods that can cause exacerbation and malaise. These include:

The most rigid sparing diet for people who suffer from gastritis involves rejecting also sausages, sausages, whole smoked, whole fried (especially deep-fried) and many other products. However, if your body tolerates the doctor's sausage well, there is no point in refusing it. But about fatty varieties of meat in all species is still worth forgetting.

Gentle Weight Loss Diet

Such a diet is the most mild and safe, but still it gives its effect of losing weight. To adhere to the norms of nutrition is necessary for one week, and it can be repeated no more than once a month. The ration is perfectly balanced and will not cause harm:

  1. Breakfast. A cup of tea, better - green. Without sugar and additives.
  2. Lunch. Eat 40 g of cheese - visually it is a thin slice the size of a standard slice of bread in the area.
  3. Dinner. Eat boiled soft boiled egg, 120 grams of boiled beef and small a piece of cheese.
  4. Snack. Drink a cup or two of green tea. Without sugar and other additives.
  5. Dinner. Prepare a salad of fresh vegetables, add to them a piece of low-fat boiled meat or chicken. Salad can be filled with a spoon of olive oil or lemon juice.
  6. Late supper. Drink a glass of mint broth.

This diet is low-carb, its basis is protein food. The side effects of weight loss on this system can manifest itself in rapid fatigue, drowsiness, and retardation in the first few days. Then the body will get used to and will function properly under the new conditions. To people of creative professions, and also to those who are engaged in mental activity, such a diet is contraindicated.