How to transport a newborn in the car?

The car is a convenient and comfortable means of transportation, but those who are going to transport a newborn baby in it should be carefully prepared.

Why should a trip with a newborn be secured?

How to transport a newborn in the car?

Many people think that you can carry a child in your arms, but here there are dangers.

  1. The child on the trip should sit with his back in the direction of the car in order to avoid injuries to the spine with severe braking, and holding the child in his arms is very difficult.
  2. With a child in his arms, it is impossible to constantly hold your hands in suspense, therefore, weakening hands, you risk dropping the baby or changing his position to uncomfortable.
  3. Do not carry a newborn baby without first wearing seat belts.
  4. According to the rules of transportation of newborns in the car, it is necessary to transport the child in the car in a special cradle or chair.

Cradle for newborns in the car

Breastfeed can be safely carried in a car from birth to 6 months. In a cradle for newborns, which is installed perpendicular to the movement in the rear seat of the car, the child is transported lying down. The cradle itself, like the child in it, is attached with the help of special seat belts. The main advantage of autolifts is that the horizontal position does not violate the baby's respiratory functions.

Very often parents use removable wheelchair cradles as an auto-litter. Many wheelchair manufacturers specially for this purpose complete such cradles with seat belts. But stroller autobags do not provide adequate protection for the baby due to insufficient strength. Therefore, their use is associated with some risk.

The disadvantages of using children's autos are:

Armchair for newborns in the car

Car seat is the most optimal way of transporting a newborn in a car. In the car seat you can transport the kids from the first days of life. Universal car seats are designed for children from birth to 1.5 years thanks to a smooth backrest adjustment. But in the car seat the child will never be lying down, a small angle of inclination (30-45 ° C) is still present, so children with some physical disabilities and birth trauma should consult a doctor.

Some parents are puzzled by the question of how to carry a newborn in a car with a car seat and do not damage his spine. According to the manufacturers of car seats due to the recumbent posture the weight of the child is evenly distributed on the back, without exerting excessive strain on the spine.

Car seat-carrying for newborns in the car is equipped with a convenient handle, thanks to which the child can be comfortably worn outside the car. This car seat is designed for children under 1.5 years old and often comes with expensive wheelchair models.

Some cars of domestic production do not provide special fastenings for car seats, so the car seat is fixed with regular car belts. Most foreign cars are equipped with ISOFix special brackets, to which the chair should be attached. In the armchair the child is also fixed by seat belts.

In conclusion, I want to add that precautions are never superfluous, especially in the case of a newborn, so before you go on a journey, provide the child with a safe place.