How did Borodin lose weight after the second birth?

In December 2015, Ksenia Borodina became a mother for the second time. It is clear that the kilograms collected during pregnancy, the leader of the TV project "Dom-2" aspired to drop as early as possible and started training 40 days after the birth. How Borodin lost weight after the second birth, will be told in this article.

EMC training

Those who are wondering how Borodina managed to lose weight so quickly, it is worthwhile to answer that the whole secret lies in a special diet and newfangled training, which provides electrical stimulation of muscle tension. Classes are held in a special suit, whose weight is 3 kg. In the suit, plates with electrodes, which are conductors of electric current and stimulators of muscles, are sewn. During training, a trainer is present nearby, which monitors the process and regulates the level of impulses.

Speaking about the way Xenia Borodina lost weight after the second birth, it is largely due to this particular device. It allows several times to increase the level of muscle contraction, and hence the effectiveness of the whole workout as a whole. Twenty minutes of training on this simulator is equivalent to an hour and a half training in an ordinary sports suit. Thanks to the sewn-in electrodes, 90% of the muscles of the body can be worked on, including muscle stabilizers. EMC training allows you to get rid of back pain, relieve swelling, minimize cellulite manifestations, reduce subcutaneous fat deposits and bring the entire body to tone.

How thin Ksenia Borodina and what is her diet?

I must say that the TV presenter wrote a book about her long journey to the ideal figure. She was never slim and tried a lot of diets and tablets for her life, but she did not get the desired result. As a result, the TV star came to the only true decision and simply began to eat properly and rationally. Raised in her diet a share of vegetables and fruits, began to drink more fluids, but refused from fatty and flour. This allowed Borodina to lose weight after the first birth, and wishing to know how much, it is worth noting that somewhere in 10 kg.

Today, the TV channel adheres to the same principles of nutrition, and even trains in such a special suit that only enhances the positive effect of physical activity. Less than half a year after the birth, and Xenia regained her former form, despite the fact that she has a baby in her arms who needs constant attention from her mother.