Dwarf cats

Representatives of the cat family for many centuries are the nearest neighbors of man. The small size of the room does not always allow us to contain large animals, and therefore it is not surprising that breeders continue to work on breeding pets with tiny sizes. Let's try to tell here about the most common breeds of dwarf cats, which have already gained popularity and got a residence permit in many city apartments.

The most famous breed of dwarf cats

  1. Dwarf cats munchkin . In Russia, this breed came relatively recently, around the beginning of the 2000s. It is said that the first munchkin was found by a resident of Louisiana. She regretted the funny short-legged cat, like a dachshund . The find was called Bramble and fattened. The cat grew up and found herself a "cavalier". To the surprise of the hostess, their offspring also had short-nosed, so the spontaneous mutation was fixed. Gradually the munchkins spread among amateurs and the breed was officially recognized in the world. Munchkins have one feature. When they want to explore the neighborhood, they stand on their hind legs, and use their fluffy tail as a kind of backup. It looks funny and resembles the kangaroo brand stand. Movable, restless and absolutely not aggressive munchkins became favorites of their owners.
  2. Dwarf cat Napoleon . It's funny, but the all-powerful dictator and conqueror was afraid of cats. Historians say that in his childhood he was frightened by the neighbor Murka, who seemed to the kid a real lion. Even as an adult soldier, he began to grow cold and sweat after seeing a simple cat. Cats of this breed brought an American breeder, using to cross Munchkin and Persians. There are two subspecies - Napoleon-Classic and Napoleon-extreme. The first paws are of normal size, while others are short-toothed.
  3. Lamkin (the cat the Dwarf rex). When creating this breed, the Munchkins were used, which were crossed with Selkirk-reks. From the second they received a wavy, soft and long coat, requiring special care. Most often these dwarf cats have a light color of the trunk and darker legs. The ears of the Lamquins are large, pointed, like those of real rex.
  4. Bengal dwarf cat . Despite their name, these cats are quite different in size. Some reach 2.5 kg, and the largest of Bengals, grow to almost 7 kg. Everything depends on the conditions under which their ancestors lived, from Russia to the Malay Archipelago. Many of them are still strong instincts of wild ancestors, and therefore Bengals require good care. Exotic dwarf "leopards" without due attention from the owner can quickly run wild.
  5. Minsk . Not without reason these cats are sometimes called hobbit. They are like extraterrestrials in the cat world. The observant cat will immediately notice in it an admixture of the rex and the sphinx. From the Munchkins, they received shortness. The tail is long, and the front paws are somewhat shorter than the hind legs. Their tender skin is often devoid of vegetation. But it happens that a short satin coat covers it partially. To wash it you need only baby shampoo.
  6. Scythian that-bob . These fearless malyavki even in adulthood are not larger than a four-month-old normal kitten. They remind me of miniature mekongs, but gradually new colors appear. While they are still very few in the world, and to buy such a handsome man for most lovers is a big problem.
  7. Skukum . From the Lappers they received an amazing curly fur, and the Munchkins awarded them with miniature sizes. Adult males do not grow more than 3 kilograms, and the female bastards are even smaller.
  8. Bambino . Soft, hairless babies with tiny short paws make many fall in love. His parents are Munchkin and the Canadian Sphynx. From the first they got short paws and a funny habit to stand in the "kangaroo" pose, and from Canadians - goodwill, sociability and devotion. Have deduced this breed casually. The couple Osbornov bought a funny kitten from the breeders, and decided to fix the mutation.
  9. Singapore . These "Thumbelina", which have the smallest size, and therefore even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Breeders only slightly changed this beautiful cat, making its sand-speckled fur coat lighter, and gave it a gentle pink shades. Charming expressive eyes lead many people into emotion. Her temper is timid and cautious, but in a narrow circle of friends the singapore are friendly and affectionate.