Seawater aquarium

Marine aquarium - an exotic corner in a modern dwelling. In a typical freshwater pond, it is impossible to see such bright fascinating colors. Such a reservoir requires a spacious area, special equipment and the right choice of living organisms. Marine aquarium has an important property - the larger its size, the more balanced the biosystem inside the reservoir. Therefore, the volume of the tank should be chosen from 100 liters.

Sea fish for aquarium

According to the types of inhabitants inhabited, the marine aquarium is divided into fish, mixed and reef aquarium.

Among fish, small individuals can be distinguished, which can coexist together, at the same time several species. There are large predatory fish - moray eels, triggerfish, lionfish, and karanga.

In a mixed aquarium can live and veal fish, and shrimp, and starfish. When settling the reservoir, it is important to select the inhabitants with the same habitat conditions and monitor the characteristics of the water.

Reef Aquarium - whimsical system. There live small fish, living corals and invertebrates.

Running and maintaining a marine aquarium

The launch of such an aquarium is carried out in several phases. First exhibited all the decorative elements, a beautiful background is drawn up. Then you need to connect all the devices. From the equipment for the marine aquarium, flow pumps, pennies (to remove undissolved water particles), lighting (LED and fluorescent lamps), a heater, a thermometer are necessary.

To produce artificial sea water, salt is used with the correct ratio of minerals. It must be mixed with tap water according to the instructions and the required specific gravity of the final solution will be obtained. Hydrometers exist to control the salinity of water. After cooking water in a separate container, it can be poured into a vessel.

A couple of days the aquarium should stand with water, the equipment is checked (except for light).

At the bottom laid alive stones, the ground is filled. The stones are inhabited by a large number of different living creatures, sand or coral crumb is used as soil. Now the aquarium can be left for a month to create an ecosystem, once a week you need to make a water change. At the next stage, lighting is adjusted for 12 hours a day. Within two weeks, an outbreak of algae growth begins. At this time, the aquarium should be planted the first inhabitant, eating algae - a diamond dog snail algae.

Within a few weeks, the concentration of ammonium and nitrites must be measured. When their concentration is 0 for a couple of weeks, you can populate snails , hermit crabs, first fish. To install the inhabitants in the marine aquarium should be gradually to avoid a sharp load on the filtration system.

The first animals must be peaceful. They need to give a couple of weeks for acclimatization and add new individuals, larger ones. The main rule is to contain 1 cm of fish per 3 liters. water. That is, a capital tank can accommodate 30 cm of adult fish. After settling fish in a couple of months, you can add starfish, soft corals. They eat not eaten food and waste, clean the water and look beautiful.

Next, you need to make a weekly water change of 5%.

Daily clean the windows, feed the fish, control the temperature , top up the evaporated water.

The bright marine aquarium is unrivaled. With the help of modern aquarium technology, beautiful exotic fish can bring home a piece of this living sea, with coral reefs and unique inhabitants.