Hyacinth after flowering - how to help the plant overwinter?

Hyacinth is a garden plant that is successfully grown as a one-year room. In order for the flower bulb to winter and again be fit for re-planting, it is necessary to know what care hyacinth needs after flowering.

What to do with hyacinth after flowering?

The most joyful moment in growing a hyacinth is to see a long-awaited flower, because it means that you did everything right, the plant is healthy, full of strength and feels good. But on this your mission as a horticulturist is not over - that he does not die, and could grow again in the next year, it is important to learn what to do after the hyacinth has developed. In this there is nothing complicated.

Hyacinth in the open ground after flowering

In nature, hyacinth is grown as a perennial flower - it is planted in the open ground only once, rooted and grows. In the same place, in the soil, he hibernates, and during this time he overgrown with numerous children, due to which the bush grows stronger every year. Hyacinth in the open ground after flowering does not require any care, except perhaps removal of dried flower stems.

How to feed hyacinths after flowering?

In the care of hyacinths, a very important point is the right fertilizer at the right time. In order for these flowers to successfully overwinter and with the new forces in the spring to begin the next life cycle, it is necessary to know what to feed the hyacinths after flowering. As a top dressing we prepare such a mixture: 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. potassium chloride and 2 tbsp. l. nitrofoski for 10 liters of water. The fertilizer consumption should be approximately 5 liters per 1 sq. Km. m planting.

Hyacinth in a pot after care of flowering

At home, everything is much more difficult - hyacinth after flowering in a pot can not hibernate in a pot. The reasons for this are:

  1. The land becomes lean, and hyacinth will not have enough nutrients for another year, even if the quality of fertilizing.
  2. Bulb for the winter overgrown with babies, but in a close pot, there is not enough space for the whole family. Bulbs, both maternal and daughter, will deteriorate, and this can lead to the death of the plant. To take a pot of a larger size is also impossible - a high risk of rotting the soil.

Therefore, in order to save the flower, you need to do the following:

How to cut hyacinth after flowering?

The first thing to do when digging a hyacinth from the ground is cutting after flowering. Why do you need to do this? In the flower stem, there may be parasites or various pests that prevent the bulb from being stored during the winter, so it is important to remove all unnecessary ones. Pruning is done simply - the stem is cut completely, only a small stump should remain. Along with this action, it cleans the bulb from the husk.

What to do with hyacinth bulbs after flowering?

During the storage in the tubers, the formation of future inflorescences takes place, so it is important to ensure the proper and high quality care of the hyacinth bulb after flowering. This implies the following actions.

  1. After cleaning the bulb from the husks, it must be thoroughly washed.
  2. Further for several hours, the bulbs must be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate - this will ensure disinfection, and the likelihood that diseases and pests will damage the hyacinth during storage is reduced to zero.
  3. After that, the bulbs are well ventilated and dried in the sun. It is important that they do not have any moisture at all, otherwise decay may begin.
  4. After drying the tubers of hyacinths should be placed in a dark room with an air temperature of about 20 degrees for 5-7 days.

After you have performed these actions, you can be sure that your bulbs will successfully winter, and in spring it is guaranteed that each of them will germinate and blossom. During the wintering period, just in case the bulbs can be taken several times from the storage site, sprinkled with mineral fertilizers , allowed to dry and put again in a box. This will help the colors to gain strength.

When to dig hyacinths after flowering?

Giving advice in when to dig from the pot of hyacinths after flowering, it's hard to get attached to the time, because the forcing of these flowers at home is very different from growing in the open ground. In the street hyacinth blooms not earlier than in April. And at home, flowering is easy to plan by a certain date - by the New Year or by March 8, for example.

After the hyacinth fades, the flower stalk remains green for a while, then it begins to dry. After that, the flower looks even more full of strength for a month or more, and then its leaves begin to dry up rapidly. Do not be scared - this is a normal process, the plant is preparing for wintering. When the leaves dry completely, and the hyacinth after flowering in the pot looks completely lifeless, it's time to dig it out and prepare it for winter storage.

Storage of hyacinth bulbs after flowering

The first point to be organized after you have dug out the bulbs is where to store the hyacinths after flowering? This should be a well-ventilated container, a wooden box or cardboard box is ideal. Plastic is best not to use - it lacks air circulation, you can use only plastic boxes with mesh walls and bottom.

Spread hyacinth bulbs and the box should be neat, so as not to hit the bulbs. Do not pour them - it is important to take one at a time and carefully put it. Laying hyacinths is better no more than two rows. Bulbs are stored in two stages.

  1. The first stage lasts at least two months, depending on how early the flowering you are planning. A box with bulbs is placed in a warm room - the air temperature should be 25-26 °. If you want to shorten this stage and speed up the processes, the temperature should be raised to 30 °
  2. The second stage is called pre-planting, and it lasts a month. Flowers should be placed in a cool room with an air temperature of 17-18 °. It is important to monitor the humidity of the air - if it is too low, the bulbs can dry out.

Immediately before planting the tubers it is important to revise once again for parasite damage and decay. Often during the wintering, bulbs are overgrown with numerous children - they must be carefully separated and they are also suitable for planting in separate pots. But be prepared for the fact that in the first years they will not bloom - it takes about 3-5 years for small bulbs to build up a mass.