What does it mean to "manipulate"?

Many are convinced that those who have the ability to manipulate people can manage, practically, any situation. Some people put a completely wrong meaning in this concept, therefore, it is worthwhile to understand in detail what it means to manipulate. The best example of manipulators are children who use thousands of tricks to achieve what they want.

How to understand the word "manipulate"?

Many associate this concept with deception, lies, untruthful information. There are several concepts that will make it possible to get a broader picture. What does the word "manipulate" mean - it is an influence on the human psyche, without his knowledge, with the purpose of controlling his behavior and thoughts . The influential does everything in his power to make the person do what he pleases. He uses peculiarities of the psyche and weaknesses to convince the person that he made the decision himself, without any clues.

How to manipulate people - psychology

Psychologists use in the explanation of this concept a beautiful metaphor - "strings of the soul," on which, with the help of certain skills, you can play. Most often, the manipulator affects or uses such qualities: pride, self-esteem, pity, fear, etc. Many people use flattery as a tool of manipulation, which helps to achieve disposition and cause certain emotions. This is the preparatory stage for further action.

In psychology, there are several classifications of manipulation, which people use in everyday life. Let's consider one of them:

  1. Manipulation in business. In this case, the situation is considered when a person uses someone's services or products, using techniques for obtaining discounts or other benefits.
  2. Manipulation in the family. Here, relations are meant, as between husband and wife, so between parents and children, and other relatives.
  3. Manipulation in education, education and upbringing . She is used at all stages of life: at school, university, etc.
  4. Manipulation in the media. Today, politicians and other figures are skillfully using it, which, with the help of television, newspapers, the Internet, brings to the masses of people the necessary for them information, which is not always true.
  5. Manipulation in the team. It means communication with friends, co-workers, etc.

Signs of manipulation

There are several criteria that will help recognize a certain influence, like manipulation: