Thoughts are material

Is the thought tangible? What does "thoughts matter" mean? And anyway, what are thoughts and is it true that they can become material? The question is very curious, it causes a lot of controversy and interests, I think, many. Some believe that the materiality of thoughts is a complete heresy, but there are also those who seriously take this idea and actively use it in their lives. And rightly, after all, thought is nothing but a part of a person's consciousness, without which the existence of this consciousness would be simply impossible. Thinking about the good you can improve your mood, and the bad on the contrary - upset and fall into depression. It is indisputable that thoughts influence our psychological consciousness, but can we build our material future and achieve the desired goals with their help? Is every thought material?

Why are thoughts material? Evidence

To answer this question, the Russian psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev devoted his whole life. Having done a lot of research, he came to the conclusion that thought is one of the varieties of energy and determined that the brain directly affects matter. Thus, according to Bekhterev, any, even mental activity, flows from one state to another and can not disappear according to the law of conservation of energy. No thought expressed by word, gesture, even mere glance or mimicry, can not disappear without a trace.

How to make a thought material?

Every day, even regardless of our own desires, our thoughts materialize, and this process often happens unconsciously. But to guide it and achieve the desired results, it is necessary to manage them consciously. We will help you in realizing your desires, having familiarized with some conditional rules:

  1. Begin with awareness. Be aware of every thought, desire and action. Track the invisible link between them. If you notice the fact that they are negative, drive them away. This task is not easy, however, do not scold yourself, if you still have more unconscious thoughts - this is normal, in time you will be able to control them.
  2. After you learn to recognize and stop your negative thoughts, you will need to replace them with positive and positive ones. The wording should be optimistic, without the use of negations, the only way they will be most effective.
  3. Use short and clear phrases, the shorter and sharper the idea - the better it will be remembered and the easier it will be to repeat it throughout the day.
  4. You must believe in what you say yourself and in the fact that your thought materializes, even if you do not yet see the results. Reinforce your thoughts with emotions, then they become stronger and very quickly become a reality.
  5. Mentally wish good to all the people you meet throughout the day, even enemies and people that are unpleasant to you. Send positive vibrations to the outside and they will certainly return to you a hundredfold.
  6. Whatever mages and psychologists say about the power of thought, it becomes powerless if we forget and do not care about reality. Only positive thoughts paired with real actions are able to bring the desired result.

And also, if all thoughts are material and positive, then it is perfectly clear that evil thoughts bring only harm. Criminals and villains think negatively, this leads to a criminal result of their activities. Thus, as such, there is no evil in the world, people themselves give birth to their thoughts and desires.

I really want to believe that the thoughts of joy, happiness and peace on earth necessarily materialize. Let's strive together for this. Watch your thoughts and dream, for desires are material!