Machiavellianism of personality in psychology is the essence of the phenomenon

At one time Machiavellianism emerged as a philosophical trend thanks to the Italian historian and writer. Machiavelli substantiated the theory that to strengthen power the ruler can use immoral methods. This term began to denote the style of interaction of people, in which the manipulator uses methods of influence for their own purposes.

What is Machiavellianism?

The strategy of behavior, in which a skilled manipulator achieves his own advantage through deception, flattery, intimidation, bribery, suggestion of false goals, is the Machiavellian personality. At the same time, the manipulator is convinced that his actions are absolutely normal and are inherent in all people without exception, that in this way one can and should succeed. For such an interaction, it is necessary to be able to understand the intentions of the interlocutor, a demonstration of disposition and sympathy. Usually such people are charming and self-confident . Lies and tricks are the basis in their daily lives.

Machiavellianism in Psychology

To understand what Machiavellianism is in psychology, it is necessary to consider the psychological portrait of a person with a high level of this quality:

  1. People for them do not represent value, but serve as a tool for the realization of their own goals.
  2. They are well aware of the weakness of another person in order to use them, instill a sense of guilt.
  3. The concepts of morality and morality they consider unimportant, and therefore they do not need to be guided.
  4. Because of the detachment and coldness towards people, they are not inclined to support friendly and social contacts unselfishly.

Machiavellianism in Philosophy

The political doctrine of Machiavelli laid the foundation for the justification of violence against people in the name of maintaining order in the state. To achieve the goal, all means can be justified, if they lead to victory, and therefore the insidiousness and deceit of the enemy can be used by the powers that be. Machiavelli described in which cases it is necessary to show generosity, and when cruelty. The sovereign should not stick to his word, if it is not profitable for him. The phenomenon of Machiavellianism from politics passed into psychology and began to denote the characterization of a person who does not disdain psychological violence.

Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy

There are types of personalities whose close interaction with them is dangerous not only for health and the psyche, but sometimes for finance and security. In psychology they are united in a dark triad: psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism. Daffodils lack empathy, falsity, arrogance manifests. Psychopaths are like them, but the qualities are sharper and go to ruthlessness and antisocial behavior. In psychopaths, these qualities are congenital, with narcissism acquired, but used unconsciously, and Machiavellianism involves conscious manipulation of people.

The Machiavellian Methodology

The essence of Machiavellianism in using special methods of influence:

  1. Entering into a personal space and, as it were, a casual touch.
  2. Changing the rhythm of the conversation - acceleration or deliberate slowdown.
  3. Provocative statements.
  4. Demonstration of their weakness and helplessness to stimulate a response.
  5. Blackmail in the form of hints.
  6. Misleading, disguised as ignorance.
  7. "Unintentional" slander and deception.

To measure the level of Machiavellianism, a Mac-scale was developed. It determines the level of a person's ability to manipulate other people , emotional coldness and calculability, the ability to disregard the generally accepted moral principles. People with a high level on the Mac scale can outrun competitors, build confidence and succeed at all costs.

You can pass the Machiavellian test on this page .

Modern Machiavellianism

This concept of Machiavellianism is used both by politicians to justify their selfish motives for the common good. Manipulation of public consciousness, conducted with the help of the media to maintain the authority of authority in the state, is also based on the doctrine of the priority of goals over the means to achieve them. Many personal growth trainers recommend careerists do not pay attention to people who are preventing advancement and use their weaknesses in climbing the career ladder.