How to become independent of her husband?

A man has long been considered the main thing in everything. Be it a profession, family or way of life. But in the modern world domostroy has already lost its credibility, and more and more often from the lips of a woman you can hear the question: "How to become independent?" Do not wait while the husband allocates money for shopping, lets go for a walk with friends or decides whether to go in for sports or try another hobby. Children, diapers and housekeeping are, of course, those things that keep on the fragile shoulders of a woman. But life should not pass by! Bury your personality and talents for a man? Who told you such stupidity! In this article, we will dispel all your doubts and explain how to become independent.

Dependence on men - how to get rid of it?

How does it all begin? Usually this is either the beginning of a joint residence, or the conclusion of marriage and, again, cohabitation. Career, personal time and space, which filled life before meeting with a man, gradually fade into the background. The woman opens up new roles and responsibilities - the management of the economy and life, the birth of children and their upbringing. Gradually, a woman begins to sacrifice herself for the sake of good relations in the family, and begins to dissolve in the man and his life. Here, then, dependence on her husband begins. It carries the character of sacrifice. Refusal from development and career in favor of children, husband and family - after all the woman is assured, that such victim, certainly, will be estimated. But time passes, and emotional dependence gradually becomes material. After all, the career went to hell! Gradually, scandals are maturing: she is bored to stay at home, does not like that he comes home late and does not pay attention to her, does not like that he gives her little money, etc. At the same time, the dependent woman begins to be afraid of losing a man who is already beginning to look around, depression, problems in relations, dissatisfaction with his life, and much more. But it all began with a banal sacrifice, and with good intentions. The only way out of this situation is to become independent!

How to become independent of her husband?

The reasons for the fact that a woman begins to depend on her husband, originate in childhood. The parents' mistakes in this case were limited to freedom and initiative. Dependent are children, to whom parents often said: "if you love me, then you will do as I have said." Or vice versa: "If you love me, then you will not do it." Given the fact that women subconsciously look for support and support in a man, the woman will automatically start sacrificing herself for his love. How to correct the situation and become one that bears the proud title of an "independent woman"? Of course, you need to solve your psychological problems once and for all. You can do this as follows:

1. Start with a little exercise: close your eyes and imagine that you are sitting on a high mountain, and below you there is a long path. She is your life. Look at it carefully, and try to analyze your behavior in some situations that you especially remember. Remember the moments when you were proud of yourself, then the situation when you were doing what you like. After this, ask yourself a few questions and honestly answer them:

2. Remember the situation from childhood, under which you were afraid to do something in defiance of the will of the parents. Convince yourself that, being an adult, you have the right to act, as you please.

3. Think about what you want from your life? What goals and plans can you and want to put before you. Try to begin to implement them, not looking back at someone else's opinion or disapproval.

4. Remember that the best relationships are only in those families where both spouses know their own worth, do not depend on each other, do not try to change each other, but live in mutual respect, love and harmony.

In any family there should not be a strong and weak side. All duties of the wife should be divided in half. Let it be difficult at first to get out of the role of a victim. Let the household know that you have the right to personal time and personal interests. As soon as you begin to engage in other than domestic, and their own affairs, you will feel how easy it becomes, and you will see how quickly your family life will be adjusted. Remember that only love and mutual respect in this world can work miracles. And personal space is your world, where you can not depend on anyone else.