Who is a melancholic?

The first definition, what it means to be a melancholic, was also Hippocrates. He is the pioneer of four basic types of temperament. The very word "melancholic" in Greek means "black bile". Here it is important to note that the names Hippocrates came up with, starting from the physiological meaning.

So, who is this melancholic? Melancholic people are called people who take to heart all events taking place around them. A special mental structure influences the fact that they quickly become tired, become lethargic and can not fully enjoy life.

Temperament characteristics of melancholia

The English psychologist Eysenck created a table where certain qualities were attributed to each temperament. So, here are the main qualities of melancholic: non-communication, irritability, receptivity, restraint, anxiety, obstinacy.

What is important, this type of personality is related to emotionally unstable, constantly immersed in their personal experiences.

Ideal professions for melancholic

The features of a melancholic are such that it will suit more creative professions: to be a writer, artist, film critic, programmer, architect or accountant.

By the way, most talented scientists also had melancholic traits.

This type of people should be strongly avoided activities related to force majeure, change, stress, or where it is necessary to communicate with unfamiliar people. This significantly reduces their performance.

Pros and cons of melancholic

From the positive, we can distinguish that these people are very receptive - they can sincerely rejoice at every little thing that is pleasant to them. They also have a developed aesthetic sense.

Their increased anxiety, often, leads to the fact that they are always ready for an unforeseen course of events.

Melancholics need a very long time to start trusting someone, but if you still managed to earn his friendship, you will not find a more loyal and reliable friend.

From the negative, it is especially clear that people with a melancholic character warehouse get tired very quickly. But at the same time, their frequent rest has its advantages - at this time they often come with original thoughts and effective ideas for solving the task.

Since the melancholic is quite difficult to reconcile with new people, it is preferable for him to behave in a closed manner in an unfamiliar environment.

Their inherent quality, to which one must be prepared, is pessimism. With every serious difficulty, they experience severe stress and are always unsure of their abilities.

Rules for communication with melancholic

In the event that he does not leave the depressive state for a long time, then cheer him up. Light up the other lighter sides of the problem, which so upset him.

Periodic compliments will be useful. Of course, you should not praise a person just like that, but a small excuse can almost always be found.

Their heightened sense of anxiety should be countered by your peace of mind. Be an example to him that it's important not to lose self-control.

The shyness of the melancholic people prevents them from talking first, even if they really want it. Therefore, in this situation, be the initiator of acquaintance - take the first step.