Qualities of personality

Individual personality qualities largely determine our life and influence it much more than the surrounding world, because we already perceive it through the prism of our own worldview. Despite the fact that skeptics claim that all people are the same, it can be confidently said that there are big differences. The qualities of a person's personality in their totality form such a complex system that it is extremely difficult to repeat it. Let's consider what underlies such differences, and what qualities have a strong influence on our life path.

Psychological grounds that determine the different qualities of a person

The structure of personal qualities can be represented in the form of several circles, the center of which is at the same point.

  1. The central circle is a type of temperament determined by heredity. This is the speed and strength of mental reactions, which are determined by the characteristics of the nervous system.
  2. Then there are the features of mental processes, a great influence on which has not only temperament, but also upbringing. In early childhood, the characteristics of our perception, sensations, thinking, imagination, sensual and volitional sphere, develop depending on what we do, what parents teach us.
  3. Individual experience of the individual - acquired knowledge, skills and skills of interaction with the outside world.
  4. Directivity combines the qualities that determine and regulate human behavior: its value orientations, moral principles, social attitudes, interests, beliefs, views and outlook in general.

It is on the direction of a person that the great influence is exerted by the public, we are all under the influence of the information we receive from the outside world. Therefore, there are many moments of similarity with others, but the basis is still unrepeatable.

Positive and negative personality traits

And do you know that for the successful work of psychologists use one knowledge that is useful to any person? They actually have no generally accepted concepts good and bad. They avoid categorical assessments and try to figure out how a particular event or quality of character affects a particular person. After all, it often happens that people are considered insolent and rude, they say that he needs to get rid of these traits, and he is precisely because of them that he achieves success in his career.

It is obvious that only the personality determines its positive and negative qualities. If something prevents her from living and fulfilling her plans, you can work on it. But do not be frivolous if, in the opinion of one of your friends, you are too serious.

But some negative qualities of the person are one for all. These are socially unacceptable manifestations that endanger the life and health of the individual and those around him. Similarly, one can distinguish that which is held in high esteem at all times.

Business personality traits

There are also certain features that help in moving up the career ladder. What qualities does and should have a successful personality? It depends on the specifics of professional activity.

In the description of each profession there is a list of properties that are important for the person to cope with it. This includes certain physiological characteristics and characteristics of the personal sphere. For example, a good military person needs good health and strong personality qualities, such as hardness of character, perseverance, confidence, etc. A leader of a large company will need developed leadership qualities of the individual, which will help to organize the work process correctly and lead dozens of people.