How to restrain their emotions?

Generally speaking, psychologists say that restraining emotions is harmful. And that's all, because we restrain them, and not neutralize them. After a restrained emotion - it just means that their appearance is externally depressed, but inside it is the most that there is a real storm.

Showing emotions is useful, but only right, without harm to yourself and the environment. This is what we will tell you how to contain your emotions.

Parenting or destiny?

Ability to restrain emotions is given from birth together with temperament. People who most often express their indignation or happiness are not not brought up, but simply choleric. The processes of transmission of nerve impulses are much faster for them than for representatives of other temperaments.

At the same time, the phlegmatic, who seems to be able to sit on his head and hang his legs, is not indignant not because of spinelessness, but simply because his nervous system is such - not inflammable.

The question is whether to restrain emotions should be considered in the context of the temperament of a person - so, the choleric must learn to pour out his soul not in screams and scandals, but the phlegmatic - stand up for himself and maybe even quarrel.

We fight with the offender with humor

So, if you have a desire to splash an opponent water in the face (or can boiling it?), Smash the plate on the head, or just slap it - do it all in health, but in the imagination.

After a quarrel, where you successfully abstained from all of the above, give yourself time for emotional relaxation. Close your eyes and imagine that you are breaking a plate about the head of a high-level brawler, you see which way the fragments fly to, and how "pleasant" it is from your impact. Enjoy and lose everything in the smallest details in the head.

This is the first way how to learn to contain your emotions , which also develops fantasy.

Make it funny what annoys you

We can not take seriously the grievances and claims of the person we are laughing at. On this principle, the second method is based, how to learn to contain negative emotions.

Draw a caricature of your opponent. Suppose you do not know how to paint professionally, but the picture should contain something that you really will laugh at. Extrapolate and have fun. A ready picture should be hung in a prominent place, make the desktop screen saver - only if the original does not notice its similarity with the caricature (we also promised not to harm the environment).