Why does breastmilk disappear?

Very often, modern women have problems with breast-feeding their baby. But in fact very few really real hormonal causes, why the amount of breast milk decreases or these causes are associated with real diseases. The causes of loss of breast milk are more often associated with the psycho-emotional background of a woman, eating disorders or a feeding regimen. Other causes of loss of breast milk are also possible - caesarean section , trauma or other operations.

Causes of breast milk reduction

  1. First of all, the reason why little breast milk in a woman, is a violation of her nutrition (women's dystrophy, diet, low-calorie or poor-quality food, poor in vitamins).
  2. Another important reason why a woman's breast milk decreases, there remains a small amount of liquid that a nursing mother drinks during the day (at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day is the norm of the liquid when feeding the baby).
  3. A frequent reason why there is not enough breast milk from a woman is stress. Strong psychotrauma, postpartum depression , fatigue, lack of sleep or chronic stress - these are the reasons why not only decreased, but also completely lost breast milk.
  4. Other reasons, when possible the absence of breast milk - is hypothermia and mastitis, as its consequence. After the carried mastitis, especially purulent, the amount of breast milk is significantly reduced, and if the operative intervention on the mammary glands was performed, it can disappear altogether.
  5. Breaking the feeding regime also leads to a decrease in the amount of breast milk: the more pauses between feedings, the less milk becomes, as in the case of incomplete straining after breastfeeding.

How to increase the amount of breast milk?

To increase the amount of breast milk in a woman's diet should be a large number of dairy products (especially cheese and sour cream), cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. Shortly before feeding, you need to drink a cup of tea or liquid. Increasing the production of milk is promoted by walnuts, halva and seeds, carrot juice, white meat. Walking in the fresh air is necessary, while avoiding hypothermia, normal sleep, avoid stress as much as possible. For the chest, massage, contrast shower and medical baths with hot water before bedtime are recommended.