Seals in the mammary glands during feeding

With lactation, the compaction in the mammary glands is almost always considered a serious condition requiring urgent treatment to a gynecologist or mammologist. It does not matter what the size of the dense patches and the degree of pain, but the doctor should be contacted at the appearance of even the most minor complaints. The earlier the cause of the problem is identified, the faster it can be eliminated. This is important for women's health, as well as for the possibility of preserving lactation.

Causes of compaction in the mammary glands during feeding

It is believed that most often dense patches in the chest arise from the misapplication of the baby to the breast. For example, if there are large gaps between attachments, or if the baby does not suck out all the milk, leaving a significant amount untouched.

Other reasons for the formation of dense patches in the mammary glands during breastfeeding include:

Condensation in the chest during feeding is often accompanied by the appearance of cracks and deformation of the nipples. Incorrect attachment is indicated by painful sensations in the right or in the left mammary gland.

How to treat the lump in the breast of a nursing mother?

Seal when breastfeeding is treated depending on the cause of this condition. With an incorrect attachment to the chest, it is enough only to learn how to empty the gland at each feeding, and also to express excess milk. In other diseases, treatment can be both conservative and surgical.