When does toxicosis begin during pregnancy?

Joy there is no limit, when the test showed the woman two cherished stripes - soon she will become a mother. But together with joy, her various contradictory feelings overwhelm her, including the expectation of imminent nausea. Let's find out when the toxicosis usually starts during pregnancy, and whether it's worth it to be afraid.

What causes toxicosis?

Doctors themselves do not fully understand the mechanism of the appearance of toxicosis. But there are many reasons for it. One of them is a change in the hormonal background, when large doses of human chorionic gonadotropin, glycoprotein, estrogen and progesterone are emitted into the blood. Thus, the body reacts to the life that has appeared in it. In addition to these hormones, a stress hormone, cortisol, is also produced, which also contributes to the general condition.

In addition to the hormonal component of toxicosis, the cause for its occurrence are various diseases that are available to women, her way of life. But one should not dwell in advance on a problem that may not arise. It is known that manifestations of toxicosis can be different - from mild to severe, so do not think ahead. And some mothers are fortunate enough not to know his charms - all individually.

When does early toxemia begin?

Very often a woman does not suspect that she will soon become a mother, and when toxemia begins during pregnancy in the early stages, it is he who suggests the idea of ​​a child. This can happen even with a delay, that is, 4 weeks, or a little later. There is no clear deadline for nausea, but most often this occurs between the fifth and eighth weeks.

Do not expect that with the onset of toxicosis will certainly be a regular vomiting. This is one of the most unpleasant manifestations of it, but fortunately, not everyone can. Besides her, toxicosis is:

To tell unequivocally, when the toxicosis at pregnancy begins, and when he comes to an end, it is impossible. More often unpleasant manifestations stop disturbing a woman closer to 16-20 weeks, that is, when the first perturbations begin to be felt.

Women who become pregnant after IVF are concerned about the question of when a toxicosis begins in their case. Here, too, everything is individual and it appears the same as with normal pregnancy - from 5 to 8 weeks. But because of the large dose of hormones that the woman took during stimulation and takes to maintain the gestation, the intensity of its manifestation may be greater.

When the toxicosis starts, the number of fruits also affects. When double or triple the amount of hormones in the body increases several times, and so toxicosis can begin very early - by the fourth week, and last for quite some time.

When does late toxicosis begin?

Pregnant women are trapped in various health problems, including late toxicosis, or gestosis. Due to various reasons, the future mother has problems with the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine system.

This toxicosis usually occurs after 30 weeks, but it can start earlier. It does not appear suddenly, but grows gradually, and without medical supervision and treatment in a hospital, pregnancy can end badly for both the child and the mother.

Violation in the work of the kidneys, sudden pressure surges, problems with the vessels of the brain, the threat of premature birth, placental abruption - this is an incomplete list of problems that a woman faces. The later the manifestations of late toxicosis began, the better the prognosis will be for this pregnancy, because labor is the best cure for it.