Ryazhenka with breastfeeding

The appearance of the baby in the light is not only a joy for every young mother, but also a great responsibility. After all, now you need to carefully monitor your diet. At inexperienced mums at once there is a weight of questions, among which: whether the fermented biker is authorized at thoracal feeding of the newborn.

Sour-milk products - good or bad?

Everyone knows that natural curds, sour cream, kefir, are very useful for human health. But is this true for the nursing mother? Let's figure it out. Fermented milk products, including fermented baked milk, contribute to saturation of the body with calcium and phosphorus.

During breastfeeding, fermented burger is useful, because it is very important for both mother and child. These substances are a building material for the bone system and teeth of the baby. Mom also needs these minerals to maintain their strength and keep their teeth whole.

In addition, the fermented berry also copes well with the normalization of digestion, since it has special enzymes in its composition. This is very important for moms who often after the birth can not adjust the stool. This is where the sour-milk products come to the rescue.

But you should choose the right fermented woman. Ideally, if you do it yourself. But not everyone can do it. Therefore, when you come to the supermarket, you should pay attention to the composition and date of manufacture of the product. If the package indicates a shelf life of more than 7 days, the products contain a preservative that is undesirable when breastfeeding.

It is best to eat ryazhenku between meals as a snack. It is undesirable to combine this product with other protein dishes. The best addition to a glass of ryazhenka will be bakery products.

Is it possible to have a fermented woman during breastfeeding?

Despite all the benefits of a burger, she also has contraindications. Drinking it is not desirable if there is intolerance to dairy products or an allergic reaction. After all, there is a possibility that the baby's organism, as well as the mother's, will react to this product.

In the first month after birth, drink fermented milk with breastfeeding with caution. It is advisable for the first time to try it not earlier than the baby will be two weeks old. You need to start with 100 ml of the product. If the child is cheerful and active, his tummy does not hurt, then the next time mother can drink a little more sour milk drink, bringing it to half a liter a day, but no more.

Young mothers who care about their figure, it will be useful to find out that fermented baked milk is a product that is fatty enough, and abuse of it can lead to a set of additional weight.