Treatment of a cold with breastfeeding

In most cases, medication with breastfeeding is acceptable if the drugs are compatible with the feeding. But, of course, you need to be careful, carefully study the annotations to the prescribed medications and monitor the condition of the baby. First of all, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about breastfeeding, the age of the child and possible reactions to the medications. Proceeding from this, the doctor will select an acceptable method of treatment during lactation. Depending on the situation, the treatment for breastfeeding can be both traditional and non-traditional. For example, treatment of colds in lactation can be carried out with the help of physiotherapy, aromatherapy, homeopathy.

Of course, there are a number of diseases in which breastfeeding is unacceptable. First of all, these are mental disorders in acute form, severe chronic organ diseases, an open form of tuberculosis, some venereal, autoimmune and oncological diseases.

In some cases, it is possible to postpone treatment until the end of breastfeeding, but this is possible only after a detailed examination and consultation with a doctor.

If treatment can not be postponed, and while it is incompatible with feeding, then two options are considered. With long-term treatment, breastfeeding stops completely, while the child is transferred to artificial feeding so as not to cause a negative reaction. If the treatment is short, and does not affect the quality of milk afterwards, the child is transferred to artificial feeding temporarily, or the donor milk is used. In this case, the mother needs to maintain lactation during treatment with the help of expressing, and after recovery continue breastfeeding.

The prescribed medications and tablets for lactation must meet a number of requirements for the level of toxicity, for effects on the development of organs, on the nervous system, drugs should not cause irreversible changes in the child's body.

It should be noted that the effect of many drugs on the health of the child is not fully understood, therefore such medications are contraindicated in breastfeeding. In addition, there are contraindicated drugs, the negative effect of which is proven.

When using drugs compatible with breastfeeding it is worth remembering that the active substances in one way or another fall into the milk, and side effects can develop both in the mother and the child. To reduce the risk of unwanted reactions, you need to follow certain precautions:

Let's consider features of treatment at a lactation of the most widespread catarrhal diseases.

Treatment of a cold with breastfeeding

Colds, cough and temperature during lactation are very common, as often the immunity of a nursing mother is reduced. The most acceptable means for lowering the temperature during lactation are paracetamol and ibuprofen. The use of paracetamol is possible only in normal dosage (3-4 tablets per day), and no more than 2-3 days, since it adversely affects the liver. When coughing, vegetable preparations are recommended. Drugs based on bromhexine can not be used. Treatment of a cold with breastfeeding with the help of complex medications is not recommended.

Treatment of the throat during breastfeeding

With a sore throat, antiseptic drugs of local action are recommended. So will help rinse broths of medicinal herbs, a solution of sea or iodized salt. If you suspect a sore throat, specialist consultation is necessary.

Treatment of a runny nose with breastfeeding is possible with the help of oil drops or vasoconstrictive drugs, but you can not use these medicines for longer than 2-3 days. At the same time, it is possible to cleanse the nasal sinuses with a solution of sea salt, calanchoe juice, honey.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza with breastfeeding

In case of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, the pathogens of the disease enter the body of the child before the appearance of signs of illness in the mother, hence, it is completely pointless to stop breastfeeding. Moreover, with milk the child receives also antibodies necessary for struggle against illness which are developed by an organism of mother. If, at the sign of infection, the child is severely weaned, it will affect his immunity and transfer the virus disease to him will be much more difficult. Of course, the specialist should prescribe medicines, choosing the most suitable ones for breastfeeding.

Treatment with antibiotics for lactation

There are several groups of antibiotics that differ in the level of concentration in milk and the effects on the child's body. Contraindicated in feeding sulfonamides and tetracyclines, whose side effects disrupt the development of organs of the child's body systems, lead to toxic damage and can cause bleeding.

The second group, macrolides, is considered not so dangerous, but caution is required when using it. When prescribing antibiotics for this group, the child is prescribed funds for dysbiosis, but there is a possibility of developing allergic reactions.

The most compatible with breastfeeding are considered to be cephalosporins, aminoglycosides and penicillins. But the dosage and the period of admission is established only a doctor.

Breastfeeding temperature

If the fever is not associated with a cold or SARS, then it is necessary to be examined, in order to establish the cause. It is impossible to use antipyretic agents for a long time, even those compatible with breastfeeding. Moreover, the temperature may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process, which may affect the health of the child.

In any case, treatment with lactation should be agreed with a good specialist, self-medication can negatively affect the health and development of the child.