Diet for weight loss belly for 10 kg a week

Before vacation, birthday or wedding, girls often become more picky to their figure, and begin with a great desire to seek a diet for weight loss belly for a week at 10 kg. Before using the proposed systems, it is worth weighing how real and safe such diets are.

Are diets for losing weight belly and sides effective?

In any professional source you will not find special diets for either the abdomen or the legs. The thing is that the experts are sure: the fat mass is distributed on the body on the basis of an innate predisposition, the type of figure and the mass of other factors, and it is impossible to arbitrarily reduce or enlarge the interlayer in certain places. That is why it is unrealistic to recover only in the chest or lose weight only in the stomach. It is critical to take information before taking it as a guide to action.

In order to make the problem areas look better, it's enough just to switch to a healthy diet, due to which the fat mass will decrease as a whole, including the annoying tummy and sides. At the moment, there is no more reliable, natural and safe way to bring your body in order, rather than proper nutrition and regular training.

What are the dangerous fast diet for weight loss in the stomach?

In open sources it is easy to find dozens of options for a weekly diet for slimming belly and sides. As a rule, they use the same principle: a sharp restriction of the caloric content of the daily ration. It is worth noting that in this way it is really possible to reduce weight, but it will certainly return.

This is easily explained from the point of view of physiology. The body gets used to the usual portions, nutrition, and adjusts the metabolic processes, which allow maintaining a stable weight. With a sharp decrease in diet, the body first burns some fat reserves by inertia, and then reduces the metabolic rate. As a result, a person becomes drowsy, sluggish, feels impotent, and weight loss is mainly due to the removal of fluid. Lost in this way, kilograms are returned after the first week of returning to normal diet. This is also easily explained: with reduced metabolism, the body sends more energy to the fat stores, because it is not able to expend it.

Thus, choosing a strict short-term diet, you can not only disrupt the normal metabolism and throw the body into stress, but also provoke an increase in fat mass in the future.

Examples of diets for weight loss belly for a week

As a rule, such diets limit not only daily caloric content, but also a variety of diets. Of the most famous weekly diets you can remember the following:

  1. Cucumber-kefir diet . On the day it is allowed to eat up to 1 kg of cucumbers and drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir. It is dangerous to use more than 5 - 7 days.
  2. Apple-cottage cheese diet . On the day you are supposed to eat 1 kg of fat-free cottage cheese and 3-4 apples. To adhere to such food all 7 days.
  3. Diet on the chicken breast . In a day, you can eat up to 1 kg of boiled chicken breast, add to it only leaf salads, and once a day - fresh vegetables.

Any of these diets provokes a shortage of vitamins and nutrients due to a meager diet, which also does not have a better impact on health.

The right diet for weight loss belly

To really bring the figure in order, you need to learn a stable healthy diet. His principles are simple:

  1. Breakfast should include proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates (for example, porridge, a whole-grain flour sandwich and chicken breast, a spoon of olive oil, tea).
  2. Lunch should be as balanced as breakfast (for example, buckwheat with vegetables and chop).
  3. The snack should include only proteins and fats (for example, tea without sugar with a slice of cheese).
  4. Supper should include proteins and fiber (for example, vegetable stew and baked fish).

It is worth choosing portions of medium size, eating regularly, giving up meals 3-4 hours before bedtime, and the problem areas will stop bothering you.