Olga's Bread Diet Raz - menu for the week

Many people would like to eat bread and lose weight. If you look at the list of allowed products of many diets, then bakery products are the first taboo. So does not consider the Israeli dietician Olga Raz, who invented a diet based on the use of bread.

Olga's Diet "Eat bread and thin"

In one of her interviews, the nutritionist said that she conducted research that was based on establishing the relationship between food and the hormone of happiness - serotonin. As a result, experiments have shown that a person is very happy and full when eating bread. The basic rules for rationing:

  1. Making for the Olga's diet of bread Once a week for a menu, it is worth considering that every day a woman should eat 8-12 slices of bread with a low calorie content (no more than 45 kcal in a piece), for men a little bit more - 12-16 slices.
  2. Bread is used for making sandwiches, for example, spreading vegetable caviar on top or laying a piece of lean fish, or chicken.
  3. An important rule of the bread diet Olga Raz Kestner for weight loss - no starvation. Therefore, you need to eat every 4-5 hours, even if you do not want to.
  4. In the menu it is allowed to include vegetables, with the exception of starchy foods (potatoes and beans). They can be eaten raw, stewed or boiled.
  5. You can also eat fruits, for example, citrus, sour apples and pears, peaches, kiwi, etc.
  6. Daily on the menu you need to include 200 grams of fermented milk products.
  7. In the evening, you should take vitamins and calcium.
  8. Of great importance is the support of water balance. As a result, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid a day. It is not only ordinary water, but also tea, juice and broths.
  9. The forbidden category includes such products: fatty sauces, alcohol, sugar, milk and butter.
  10. For sweet tooth too, there is a nice bonus: once in 14 days you can afford a portion of your favorite ice cream. In ordinary days, you can eat candy with a sugar substitute.

If you follow all the rules, then in a week you can lose weight by 3 kg. It is important to say that the bread diet is contraindicated in people with chronic colitis, as this can lead to irritation of the intestine. You can not use this way of losing weight to pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The menu of the Olga's bread diet looks like this:

To get good results, it is worth eating at least 4 weeks. In principle, you can enjoy a diet all your life. In this case, 2 pieces of bread should be replaced by 1 tbsp. boiled pasta, beans or 2-3 st. porridge. You can also use potato or boiled corn as a substitute.