Olive oil for the face - features of application and 3 super-prescription

Olive oil for the face is a real elixir of youth. A special passion for this product was fed by Queen Cleopatra: her servants, knowing this, added "liquid gold" to the baths, food and cosmetics of her mistress. Although much time has passed since then, interest in olive oil has not died out, but has intensified on the contrary. It is actively used in cosmetology.

Olive oil for the face - good and bad

This natural product does not contain parabens and other harmful substances that can damage the skin. In addition, oil from olives is hypoallergenic. It can be applied in the care of a person at any age. This product is incredibly useful, which is understandable, because he has such a rich chemical composition. However, even it can cause serious harm if misused.

Olive oil for the face - benefit

This elixir contains many elements and each of them has a certain value to the skin. This is what olive oil is useful for:

  1. Fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, palmitic and others) create a transparent film on the surface of the epidermis, which performs a protective function. Due to it, the skin reacts less to such irritating factors as the scorching sun, low air temperature, wind, salt water and so on. In addition, oily film creates a barrier that keeps moisture inside the cells. As a result, the skin is saturated with oxygen. Yes, and more actively in it begin to exchange processes.
  2. Tocopherol (it is also called the "vitamin of youth") is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. This element triggers the synthesis of collagen and elastin. As a result, more active are the rejuvenating processes: the texture and complexion become much better.
  3. Vitamin A is an irreplaceable for the skin element. It cleanses the pores and exfoliates. For this reason, olive oil for the face is used in the composition of scrubs and other cosmetic products with a peeling effect.
  4. Squalene is a unique component with a multifaceted effect. Its molecule is built into the lipid layer, preventing the evaporation of moisture, so the skin remains hydrated. In addition, squalene triggers antioxidant processes. This element has a restoring effect, it enhances the regeneration of tissues.
  5. Iron - helps to protect the epidermis from rosacea, couperose and vascular asterisks. In addition, this element provides a healthy color to the skin.

Olive oil for the face - harm

Although this elixir has a gentle effect, in some cases it will have to be abandoned. Olive oil for the face is contraindicated in such circumstances:

  1. Allergic reaction - in this case, even a small amount of such an elixir after application to the dermis can trigger redness.
  2. A very fatty skin type - if you use the elixir in its pure form, it will only aggravate the situation.
  3. Long-term everyday use - on the surface of the skin is formed a film. As a result, the water-lipid balance is disturbed in the epidermis. Eyes and other rashes appear on the face.

Olive oil - for what type of skin?

More often this elixir is used for a very dry and combined type of epidermis. In this case, the olive oil for the face provides moisturizing and softening of the skin. You can apply it in its pure form. Some girls believe that olive oil for oily skin is contraindicated. However, this is a wrong judgment. Elixir can be used in the care of this type of epidermis only in combination, for example, with sour-milk products or lemon. Used may be olive oil for the fading skin of the face. It will smooth wrinkles and make the epidermis more elastic.

Which olive oil is better for the face?

When choosing an elixir, special attention should be paid to the marks on the package. One of the following inscriptions may be indicated here:

For the skin it is better to use the first option: it is considered more useful. In addition, there are refined and unrefined olive oil on sale. The maximum quantity of valuable substances is contained in the product that has undergone minimal heat treatment. For this reason, the unrefined elixir should be preferred. In addition, before buying olive oil, it is important to make sure that the product is as fresh as possible. To do this, look at the date on the label.

To olive oil has not lost its healing properties, it must be stored properly. This product has a damaging effect of sunlight, so the elixir should be poured into a container of dark glass. The dishes should be stored in a closed locker. The bottle with the elixir should be tightly closed, otherwise its contents will oxidize. In this case, the product will lose most of its valuable substances.

Olive oil - application for the face

Features of using the elixir are directly related to its useful properties. It acts on the skin as follows:

  1. Cleans - oil penetrates deep into the pores, clearing the epidermis from the dead particles. In addition, the elixir, when properly applied, improves the function of the sebaceous glands, which allows you to get rid of fatty gloss.
  2. Moisturizes - helps to soften the skin, removes peeling and fills the epidermis cells with curative moisture. After using such an elixir, the face looks much younger and more beautiful.
  3. It starts regeneration processes - thanks to the use of olive oil, wounds are scarred more quickly, and scarring and post acne become less noticeable.
  4. Improves the complexion - a healthy blush appears.
  5. Protects the skin from the negative effects of UV rays - after using this elixir, sunburns pass faster.

Ways of using this elixir in skin care are many:

  1. You can wipe your face with olive oil.
  2. Some use this elixir instead of a cream or lotion.
  3. Can be used as a massage oil .
  4. It is often added to cleansing, regenerating, moisturizing and nourishing masks.

Facial massage with olive oil

This cosmetic manipulation is of three types:

  1. Classical massage - it is done to increase muscle tone.
  2. Plastic - implies a stronger impact than the classical one. The olive oil used for the face enhances the effect of the manipulation.
  3. Plucked massage - includes tweaks, vibro-impact on the skin and kneading. Such a manipulation should be performed by a professional in a beauty salon.

Olive oil instead of face cream

In order not to cause irreparable harm to the skin, the elixir must be properly used:

  1. Cover them with a moist dermis.
  2. Apply olive oil to your face at night. The procedure should be performed after moistening the skin.
  3. Before applying olive oil, it is advisable to make an intensive peeling. Thanks to this preparation, the elixir will be evenly distributed, and will not clog the sebaceous pores.
  4. Apply oil mixtures can be no more than 2 times a week.

In order to find out from your own experience how useful olive oil is for a person, it needs to be dosed.

For each type of skin has its own norm:

Olive oil for the face - recipes

At home, based on this elixir, you can make various masks, lotions and other cosmetic mixtures. All such recipes are easy to prepare. Each such face mask with olive oil is designed for a particular type of skin. Doing it, it is important to follow the recommendations given in the recipe, otherwise you can cause serious damage to the dermis.

Olive oil from wrinkles

It is important to remember that the use of an elixir does not give instant effect as expensive synthetic creams or surgical intervention. However, if olive oil for the face from wrinkles is applied regularly, the rejuvenating result will occur soon. In addition, the skin will become more tender, soft and healthy. Before using the cosmetic from wrinkles it is important to steam out your face.

Mask for the face - yolk, honey, olive oil

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Honey with yolk should be grinded until a uniform consistency is obtained.
  2. The mixture must be enriched with oil.
  3. Apply a mask to the cleansed moistened skin for a quarter of an hour.

Olive oil from acne

Such an elixir has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. For this reason, it is actively used in the fight against acne. Perfectly copes with this cosmetic problem mixture - clay and olive oil for the face. These components enhance each other's actions. With the regular use of such a cosmetic mixture, the rash becomes much less.

Face mask - clay and olive oil

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. The clay is poured with iced water, left for a couple of minutes. Then the container with the contents is put on a small fire, and the mixture is thoroughly stirred. The result should be a warm mass of creamy consistency.
  2. The composition is enriched with oil and yolk, after which everything is again thoroughly mixed.
  3. The mask is applied to the cleansed moistened skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  4. Leave the composition for 45 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water.

Olive oil from black dots

This elixir perfectly copes with this cosmetic problem. For example, olive oil and lemon face lightens the skin, making the black dots barely noticeable. Use this composition can with such manipulations:

Mask for the face - honey and olive oil

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. The components are combined and applied by massaging movements on the cleansed face.
  2. Keep the composition no more than 5 minutes.