How to remove fat from the stomach and sides?

To lose fat from the abdomen and sides means to reduce the burden on the spine and joints, to facilitate the work of the heart, to improve the blood supply of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. And, besides, getting rid of "ballast", a person improves the appearance and raises self-esteem. If fat from the stomach and sides does not go away, you should approach this problem in a comprehensive manner.

Why is excess fat deposited more often on the stomach and sides?

Before starting the fight with excess fat, you need to understand the reason for the appearance of these deposits. And one of the most important reasons are nervous overstresses and stresses. Mental overload of the organism usually leads to overeating, and in the course usually go not the most useful products - sweets, fast food , as well as alcohol. A huge mass of light carbohydrates with the support of the stress hormone cortisol immediately begins to be deposited in the form of fat around the waist and abdomen. In addition, cortisol slows metabolism and blocks the absorption of nutrients, so a person feels tired and hungry, resulting in overeating even more.

The modern rhythm of life often forces a person to eat not according to the regime - only 2-3 times a day, while consuming too large portions. As a result - a stretched stomach, improper eating habits - a habit is on the move and dry. And if you ignore the norms of hygiene, it is quite possible and the appearance of parasites that cause the desire to eat more and more.

Another reason for the accumulation of excess fat on the stomach is in the use of products containing hormones, antibiotics and other drugs. Meat producers often do not care about consumers at all, injecting animals with a huge amount of medicines to make a big profit. These substances affect metabolism, hormonal balance, human immunity, provoking diseases and obesity.

Fortunately, more often people come to the conclusion that, despite the availability of a large number of miracle drugs that help get rid of excess fat, the most effective are still weight loss exercises that can be done at home, as well as proper nutrition.

How to remove fat from the abdomen and sides: available exercises

One of the most accessible and effective exercises for getting rid of fat in the waist - on the stomach and sides - is the torsion of hula-hoop. It is best to choose a simulator with massage inserts. Twist hulaohup need at least half an hour a day, first in one direction, then - in another.

Another great exercise is the bar. Beginners can use its classic version: lying on a solid surface to rise on your hands (or lean on your forearms), reduce your legs and rise on your toes, trying to keep your body and legs strictly in line, straining all muscles, especially the press. Keep the bar should be as long as possible.

Notable results are provided by respiratory gymnastics, which stimulates muscles, improves blood supply to organs and tissues, and helps to cleanse the intestines. Carry out respiratory gymnastics in several stages:

How to effectively lose fat from the stomach and sides - proper nutrition

The diet, designed to relieve fat on the stomach, includes a large number of foods rich in plant fibers. Fiber binds and removes fats and toxins from the intestines, supports a long feeling of satiety. It is most useful to include white cabbage and cauliflower, courgettes, cucumbers, beets, eggplants, legumes, prunes, apples, as well as millet, oatmeal, buckwheat.

Faster to get rid of fat on the stomach can be with the exception of the diet of alcohol, sugar and salt. Alcohol causes an increased appetite and contains a large number of calories. Sugar is also excessively caloric, and, in addition, it, like salt, contributes to the stagnation of excess fluid. You can replace the salt with spices, which, in addition to improving the taste, also contribute to the acceleration of metabolism.

To adjust the diet and reduce stomach volumes, it is recommended to eat small portions, but often - 5-6 times a day. In the early days, a half-empty stomach can create feelings of discomfort, but after 5-7 days its volume contracts, and small portions are enough to fill.

The key to successfully getting rid of fat on the abdomen and sides is a complex approach, including both physical exercises and a fiber-rich diet.