
Words like lymphodrainage pressotherapy are familiar to many, but the meaning of the procedure is not known to everyone. So what is hidden under these concepts, and, more simply, what is pressotherapy and what does it eat?

Pressotherapy of the abdomen and legs

The procedure of pressotherapy is carried out with the help of apparatus for pressotherapy and costume, which provide lymphatic drainage in tissues under the influence. The costume for pressotherapy is a pair of pants and a jacket consisting of segments. Compressed air is fed under pressure in succession in different segments of the suit. The pressure level and the frequency of rotation of the air supply are monitored by the computer. Pressotherapy is a medical procedure, and therefore it should be done under the supervision of a doctor. Pressotherapy of the legs and abdomen is prescribed for weight loss, from cellulite, to treat varicose veins, to relieve pain after physical exertion, to remove swelling, and to increase the overall tone of the body.

What is the procedure of pressotherapy? With the help of compressed air, which is fed through a special suit, the lymphatic system is affected. Thus, stimulation of the receptors of the cells responsible for the breakdown of fat is provided. As a result, cells are released from excess fluid, and a person loses weight or gets rid of cellulite. Therefore, whether the question of whether pressotherapy helps in cellulite or overweight, the answer will be unambiguous - it helps. Often this procedure is combined with other cosmetic techniques, for example, with wrapping. Due to one such combined session, it is possible to reduce body volume by 1.5-2 centimeters. One procedure pressotherapy due to the effect of lymph drainage replaces about 20-30 sessions of manual massage. Also wave-like movements, which are created by air pressure, help improve blood flow. Therefore, this procedure can be effective in treating edema and varicose veins. Still pressotherapy can be prescribed for rehabilitation after liposuction. Since the procedure well helps to cope with swelling, it is sometimes prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy to remove swelling from the legs. Naturally, in this case, the effect is only on the legs, excluding the stomach.

As mentioned earlier, the positive effect is noticeable after the first procedure. Many people notice lightness in the legs, a surge of strength, and a complexion. And as a result, the mood improves. Repeated sessions allow to level out the "orange peel", as well as disappearing highly visible small vessels.

But for all the usefulness of pressotherapy, only a specialist can prescribe this procedure, since only he can assess the state of the organism and find the right number of procedures and intensity of therapy. In addition, it must be remembered that vacuum pressotherapy has a number of contraindications.

Who should not pressotherapy?

People suffering from skin diseases, tuberculosis, diabetes, kidney failure are not allowed to conduct such a procedure. Also, pressotherapy is contraindicated in the recently transferred thrombophlebitis, suffering from edema of the liver, with fragility of the vessels and heart failure. Pressotherapy is not performed during the menstrual cycle.

How often can pressotherapy be done?

Since this procedure is prescribed by a doctor, only he can tell how many pressotherapy sessions are needed for you, and after what period it needs to be repeated. Usually this is 10-15 procedures for 30 minutes. Given the individual characteristics of the body, the procedures are prescribed every two or three days. Daily pressotherapy can not be done.