Extreme weight loss

Despite the many thousands of diets in the world, there are still those to whom they do not help even with the strictest observance of all rules. Usually such people already suffer too high degree of obesity, the balance in the body is broken to such an extent that it is impossible to change anything even by rigid diets. The most desperate of them start extreme weight loss.

Plaster on the tongue

A small patch is sewn onto the patients' tongue, due to which the consumption of solid food becomes impossible due to pain. A person who chooses this extreme way to lose weight involuntarily has to consume only liquid food. A plaster can be worn only for a month, otherwise it grows into a tongue. But for this month all patients lost 10 kg each.

Dropper in the nose

One of the most extreme methods of losing weight is a complete refusal to eat and consumption of a solution of proteins, fats and water. Patients are given a dropper, which through the nose reaches the esophagus. Through this dropper at the right time, the above solution is administered. Due to the lack of carbohydrates in it, ketosis ( fat burning ) begins almost instantaneously. Thus, a person loses up to 10 kg in 10 days, but no crumb falls into his mouth.

Injection of urine

One of the newest methods for those who want to lose weight extremely is urine injections, and urine should be from pregnant women. Such injections are done several times a day, and weight loss in a few months can be up to 20 kg. The reason for this effectiveness is that due to the urine of pregnant women, the patient's body begins to "think" that it has become pregnant. As a result, metabolism is accelerated and metabolism is increased many times.

Paintball for weight loss

And in Britain they grow thin with the help of paintball. One of the companies created a group for those who want to lose weight, and for this she holds on the "battlefield" field several professional shooters who will not let anybody from the slimming to rest. The 10-week slimming program costs 199 pounds.

Counter of biting

And the last of the extreme ways to lose weight, we think the gadget, which throughout the day counts how many bites you made and how much you consume food. This invention will help to lose weight to those who do not watch their snacks and unnoticed, can eat a box of sweets sitting in front of the TV. The bite counter will teach you to treat each opening of the mouth more responsibly.