Treatment of Alzheimer's disease with phytotherapy

The most mysterious disease, leading to a strong brain atrophy, is called Alzheimer's disease and develops mainly in people aged 50-55 years. Despite the progress in the field of medicine, till now it has not been possible to find a cure for the complete recovery of a person, but the therapy with special preparations in combination with phyto-drugs allows at least to slow down the process.

Alzheimer's disease - prevention and treatment

The disease under consideration has a complex, difficult to study nature, which includes the age and genetic factor. Thus, not being able to stop aging or correct information in the genes, prevention of Alzheimer's disease is possible, but it does not guarantee absolute protection from this disease.

Measures to be taken:

  1. If possible, lead a healthier lifestyle.
  2. Control the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, monitor the condition of the blood vessels and the heart.
  3. To give time for physical activity.
  4. Normalize blood pressure.

How to treat Alzheimer's disease?

At the moment, the therapy of this disease is reduced to the correction of those brain disorders that already occur and the possible prevention of intensive development of atrophy. In addition, an additional vitamin course is given, and antidepressant medications are prescribed to stabilize the patient's mood.

It should be noted that conservative treatment should include daily live communication with close people, long conversations with clarification of memories, details of recent events of the past or the present are very useful.

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease - drugs

The only medication that has been approved for the therapy of neurological pathologies in this disease is Takrin. But, unfortunately, it is effective only in the early stages of the disease and has a strong toxic effect on liver tissue.

The treatment regimen also includes such antidepressants as Nortriptyline and Desipramine. These drugs help cope with the patient's constant depression and bouts of depression.

In the presence of special symptoms, medications can be prescribed to relieve seizures, combat insomnia and hallucinations, and aggressive behavior.

New in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Constantly conducted laboratory studies on the development of a special vaccine for the disease in question. Leading positions on the effectiveness and absence of dangerous side effects are occupied by preparations CAD106 and MDA7, but they require additional study and refinement.

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease with phytotherapy

The package of measures for improving the patient's condition includes natural remedies. The treatment of Alzheimer's disease by folk remedies slows down the aging process of the body, hence, reduces the intensity of atrophic processes in the brain tissues.

Alzheimer's disease - folk remedies

Therapeutic powder:

  1. Shredded roots of turmeric and elecampane in an amount of 37.5 grams to mix, boil 10-12 minutes in vinegar (table).
  2. Evaporate the remaining liquid and dry the ingredients.
  3. Take before meals (2 times a day) at 1.85 g.

Healing tea:

  1. One tablespoon of Icelandic moss mixed with a similar amount of flaxseed .
  2. Pour ingredients 300 ml (2 cups) of boiling water, infuse the solution in a wrapped metal container for 2 hours.
  3. Drink during the day instead of tea in a chilled or warm form.

In addition, it is recommended to use a phytopreparation such as Ginkgo Biloba. It is believed that it has a strong antioxidant effect and is able to effectively slow the process of brain tissue atrophy.