Numbness of hands at night - causes and treatment

Strong and healthy sleep is the key to a full recovery of the brain and the entire body after physical and psychological daytime exertion. Therefore, do not ignore such an unpleasant symptom as numbness in the arms at night - the causes and treatment of this disease have a close relationship. Only after an accurate explanation of the factors that cause this problem, it becomes possible to completely eliminate it.

The causes of numbness of hands and hands at night

The symptomatology described does not necessarily indicate the development of a disease. Sometimes this happens due to physiological or external circumstances:

For these reasons, numbness in hands at night does not require treatment. It is enough to change your pajamas or a nightgown for a freer version, purchase an orthopedic mattress and pillow, and give a little time to a special relaxing gymnastics after a hard working day.

Other, more dangerous, factors, because of which the hands are numb in a dream:

Drug medication for numbness of hands at night

There is no universal therapy regimen for the pathology in question, since it is caused by various diseases, each of which requires a complex individual approach.

To appoint the right treatment it is necessary to visit several specialists:

After clarifying the exact diagnosis, a therapy scheme will be proposed that assumes normalization of blood pressure, blood circulation, functioning of nerve roots, replenishment of micronutrient deficiencies and vitamins. Of great importance are physiological techniques (massage, manual effects), as well as gymnastics.

Treatment of numbness of hands at night with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers simple but effective ways to alleviate the condition. It is important to remember that the following means do not eliminate the cause of numbness of the hands, but only temporarily reduce its severity.

Finger rinse


Preparation and use

Grind vegetable raw materials, put it in a bottle and pour it with vinegar. Insist solution for a week, drain. Rub the resulting composition into fingers before going to bed. Repeat the procedure every day for at least 14 days.

One of the most effective folk remedies for numbing hands at night is a honey pack. You simply put a natural product of beekeeping on your hands in a very thin layer and put cotton gloves on for 45-90 minutes before you go to bed. To improve the state, only 4-5 procedures are sufficient.

A similar action has a compress with pounded flesh of boiled pumpkin. It should be applied in a warm form with a thick layer.